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Sub Category : Relationships
My brother and I, have someone of a far-standing relationship. Recently, I was thinking about some memories of my brother and I together, and some of the things we used to do. I have him to thank me for being stronger, and yet I can also thank him for causing me traumatic issues as well. Derek is 2 years older than I am, and we were particularly close whenever we moved from Fairfield. Unfortunately, that transition was a lot worse for me than it was for him. In a way, we flip-flopped with what we had. I remember that I was friends with most of my classmates, and he did not like most of his classmates. I went through a rough phase for a while, because of one group of three's bullying. It's a rocky relationship, because of both of us.
Nevertheless, we had our good memories together. My brother and I would often go hiking together, and sometimes we would duel face to face. Blade to blade, we would go out at for an hour or two. Sometimes we would measure by life points, and being struck and number of times. Sometimes we would fight until one of us disarmed the other. I used to run away because he was ruthless. Of course being two years older than me, he had an advantage he couldn't understand. Not just his age, but his prime physical health was also a factor. What I had for myself could match him since I was fast and had good technique. It's a mixed memory because there were times that I just didn't want to fight. My outlook was I'm handicapped so why fight?
To him, I was just a normal boy. In a way, he still doesn't understand the difference is between me not being able to do something and not wanting to do something. Trust me when I tell you, it's hard to live with something like that. Even though I have these mixed emotions, I love my brother even though it does not always feel mutual. There comes times whenever we have to make choices, such as me realizing that there are times we need to fight. And I didn't even know that the time, but I was a fighter. My brother had taught me how powerful I was. Every time he knocked me down, I kept getting right back up. With everything I've been through, it would surprise you to hear that. Most people want to give up on life, when something bad goes their way. People shouldn't do that though, because they're more powerful than that. My power is brought from the people that I care about. The people that I want to protect no matter what it takes. I don't know whether I'm an idiot or something beyond normal. I still keep getting up after I fall.