Move To Florida
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Sub Category : LifeStyle
Now for the reason we moved here. Bob worked all his life in construction, mostly carpentry, and also some remodeling, fire restoration, commercial and supervisory positions. He hated the cold weather. The first few years he worked outside a lot and lost a lot of time from work but over the years as he gained experience he hardly ever lost any time. He had problems though with the cold weather and his skin would crack and bleed often. He always wanted to move to warmer weather. I never wanted to move while raising children until they left home as I had to move when I was almost 16 and it wasn't easy. It was so hard to make friends. All the girls were in clicks since they grew up. Anyway we had one son get married and tried to get our other 2 children out on their own as we wanted to move to Charlotte NC. We thought it wouldn't be too far to visit them and it would be warmer. We called home while we were in Charlotte and found out our house was sold and we came home to get ready to move to the apartment we picked out. The two youngest children hadn’t yet left home and gotten settled on their own, and they didn't want to go with us, so we bought another house and stayed in NJ. This was my favorite of our houses. It was a tri- level, large with extra rooms, and a beautifully landscaped yard with grass cared for by the lawn service. It had belonged to a doctor. My husband was not happy and still wanted warm weather, so we sold that house and we ended up in a beautiful apartment in Charlotte, NC., which looked like new but was full of roaches (5 different kinds). I never knew there were so many different kinds. Nothing we did made us comfortable. They sprayed and still it was bad. The neighbors said it was bad every since they lived there. The apartment people said all the area apartments were filled up as college students had just hit town for the season. So after just one week (Bob was working the second day we were there) we packed up and came back home with the same U-haul we had come it,. We knocked on my parents door and begged for a place to stay where we stayed just one week when we got an apartment we lived in for five years while our two children shared an apartment together. Then my Steve our second son bought a small house and Valerie lived with him. They both moved from the apartment they had been sharing since we moved to Charlotte. Later Steve sold the house. and we moved from our one-bedroom apartment to a two-bedroom condo so Valerie could come to stay with us after Steve sold his home. After two years we told Valerie we were moving to Florida as we had come down here several times and loved it. She could either take care of herself or move with us. She didn't want to move but couldn't take care of herself so had to. She was going with the same fellow, John Genevese, for about 5 years, and I thought they would get married; but instead they broke up and she came with us. She gave us such a hard time here at first because she had no friends. Everyone was old she said. John drove her down and they arrived as we unloaded the U-haul. She couldn't have any fun as she said we lived in Barbie land. You can't make noise or enjoy the activities the way she would want to. It took awhile but she finally adjusted and found her now husband Jerry while working together at WalMart. They have been married since January 4, 1997 and had our grandson Nicholas on December 27, 1998. She still isn't fond of Florida or hot weather but wouldn't want to move far from us now with Nicholas. He sure loves his Grandpa.