*sigh* Read Count : 142

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

What to do, what to do. Who do I text? I feel lonely but I have lots of friends I can talk to. Why is this? I dont feel like myself this passed week. I was depressed at the beginning of the week and I'm bored of life now. I'm not saying I'm thinking of ending that life because I have a future planned out and if I make it I'll love my life. You shouldn't pick a job you hate because you'll be bored and not do well. I've had a life planned out with someone else but that drifted away so when I find another if she has no plan at all I'll go along with mine. If she does I'll let her live her life first. That's the way I am because  i want my significant other to be happy. If not chances are I'm not happy either. You should always make your spouse happy because she's not yours, she can always leave. It sucks when she does but if she's not happy she needs to find someone else that can make her happy. Money makes the world go round. Everyone knows this. If she doesn't have a plan I have to go through with mine so we can have the money we need. Someone has to do it. The world is cruel and if you're broke or homeless the world will find a way to break you. I dont know if you've seen the news lately but a homeless man had a rabbit and someone was walking over a bridge and threw the rabbit into the water and the homeless man dove in after it. The man was charged with animal abuse and the homeless man was given an animal savior award and food for his rabbit and a job. Why the fuck would someone do that? He threw a rabbit off a bridge! Just to say fuck you to the homeless man. I would have beat that ass before I dove in for the rabbit. Still there are good people in the world, we just gotta find them, and I intend to find mine because I'm tired of hoes, I was looking for a change when I found my last love. And I dont hold any grudge but I better not find out her new boyfriend hurts her or I'll kill him. I thought she was my sole mate but I guess I was wrong. She was just the first to hurt me.


  • oof right

    Oct 20, 2018

  • Jasper/Eowyn Carpenter

    Jasper/Eowyn Carpenter

    chris im not with him. i cant. im not your solemate. im on ones. you wont understand if i told you. and i told you to move on. i know someone who likes you and she's aleays under your nose. you see her more than me shall i say everyday

    Oct 20, 2018

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