Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
This is the question which keeps on disturbing me, I wondered WE KEEP ON SAYING GOD'S NAME ALL THE TIME BUT WHY IS THAT WE DON'T GET A CHANCE TO MEET HIM. I debated this with many and they said one thing YOU NEED TO DIE TO MEET HIM.
Now this is not a joke but is it true that only after our death we can meet him, sounds too much but I can't consider this as a fact but many said IT IS ONLY AFTER DEATH ANYONE WOULD MEET GOD BUT FOR THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE EARNED LOTS OF FORTUNE DOING MANY GOOD DEEDS.
But in my life span when I don't have enough money to keep me and my family happy then how would I earn fortunes, I guess it needs lots of money to donate, so thinking this I slept for a while.
When I opened my eyes I saw a DIVINELY FIGURE sleeping in front of me shining brighter than sun, I was both confused and clueless, as I neared that PERSON the light started fading, finally I reached near HIM, HE was still sleeping, I thought I will wait till HE awakes and I found that HIS head side had lots of space but I sat near HIS Foot.
I was so much immersed in HIM that I forgot myself lost in HIM. HE smiled at me, I couldn't understand what was happening with me. Then HE asked me YOU HAD SO MUCH PLACE NEAR MY HEAD SIDE, INSTEAD OF CHOOSING THAT PLACE, WHY YOU SAT NEAR MY FEET, ISN'T IT BELOW YOUR DIGNITY?
I said I DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED BUT I FELT MY PLACE SUITES BEST NEAR YOUR FEET. The moment I said that I awoke from my dream. I realised it is just a dream. It took lots of time to realise that I was speaking to some unknown person in dream.
I got my answer. GOD loves this earth and its creation, that's why HE IS NOT SHOWING US HIS FURY, IT IS OUR THOUGHTS WHICH TRIES TO SPOIL US. If ALMIGHTY GOD didn't require us then why would have HE created this planet. It is good I got the reply, like this many of us encounter similar types of dreams while sleeping making it clear that GOD NEEDS US.