Significant Changes Read Count : 124

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Lifestyle

    After listening to a program today, on National Public Radio, I thought about the historical ways people used to live. Many years ago, in the United States we didn't have conveniences such as running water and electricity. The country started out with almost nothing, with the exception of the people who lived here prior and plenty of resources to build upon. It took time and intelligence to raise the country into one of the most physically well developed nations of the world. The United States is one of the largest countries in the world, but in a lot of ways as seem to be slipping backward.

   Many people like to work hard, trying to construct themselves into something better. Whether it be trying to get a higher position at a job, or just trying to get by on a measly salary. We have become somewhat of a lazy class in the United States. Yet, it seems like we are trying to always move around and do projects to keep us occupied. Too much rest makes us lazy, and not enough will turn us into crazy. It's up to us as people to decide how much work we should do.

   It's not just the modern conveniences which have changed us though. We have learned a lot over the last 400 years since America was settled. My family has actually lived here over 200 years. In fact, my family was in Illinois before it became a state in the year 1818. They've been farming for years, though my grandfather was a vice president of a bank. His mother was a farmer, and my mother's family still farm to this day. Unfortunately, I cannot handle the strenuous labor associated with farming. Therefore, I am not a farmer by profession. So many things have changed over the years, even in my own grandfather's time.

   At one time there were no roads, just dirty trails leading to the farmland they worked.  People were mostly friendly towards one another, but with more developments comes the true side of people. I have seen many people act on the face of greed, selfishness, and even going as far as betraying the people they should stand beside. All of this for land or money to build up their own "Empire." This has been seen as common amongst some families, especially larger ones who actually have rivalries. Some of my own family, are not an exception to this rule either. It is the taste of greed and the list for power, which has destroyed the people of our world in the United States. Some people, are selfish enough to take everything and leave their family members without anything. Even those who struggle day today to make their ends meet.

   Jokingly today, I made the remark to my mother "Can you imagine filling up the bathtub with buckets!?" Her response was the single word. "No." I laughed because she's handicapped, but we have lived with these simple conveniences all of our lives. Imagine having to go out to a well or drum to fetch a bucket of water for a drink, or to even wash your hands or face. It would be difficult, and very tiresome to do this six to eight times a day. Think about it for a while, you wouldn't be able to take a bath everyday because it would be difficult to fill up the tub. More than one person would use the same bath water, and you would have to empty the tub whenever you're done. Thankfully in the United States, modern plumbing came fairly quickly within most places. Even though today, you will find some historical homes that might actually lack modern conveniences. It's very unlikely though, you would really have to look hard to find something like that in the United States.

   So think about these types of things, when you start complaining about the faucet not working or having difficulty finding snacks at one time, was considered a delicacy or rare item. Even at one time in the United States, bananas were considered to be a rarity. It's the little things we do everyday, that we should take into account and remember how lucky we are to live in a country that is developed. This does not mean other people should be allowed to take advantage of us. The only question is, can we be developed and rule with morality and intelligence?


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