Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
People underestimate me. They think I'm a pushover just because I show understanding and tolerance. They use and abuse my generosity. They squeeze whatever they can out of me. They think I'm weak.
I'm standing taller than ever. Rolling with the punches, immune to whatever is trying to bring me down. Guess what? I still know how to stand alone without falling.
I have a strong faith in God and His timing. No amount of wishful thinking or manifestations will bring me something that’s not meant for me. I believe that God will always follow His plan over mine and I trust in His plans for me. I believe in the happy ending He has in store for me. And yes, I do believe in miracles.
I know I still have a lot to learn, a long way to go. But I know I’m not willing to stay stuck in one place for too long. I’m not willing to live a life that doesn’t excite me. I’m not willing to do something I’m not passionate about. And I sure as hell am not willing to give up on my dreams.
I have no problem in starting over time and time again until I get to where I want to be. Until I get to be the person I am meant to be.
People think I'm naive. That I'm easy to be taken for a ride. What they don't know is that I love playing the fool to fool the fools who think they are fooling me. I have a self-love radar built inside me. It goes off if I’m about to settle, or if I forget my worth, or if I lower my standards, or if I let someone treat me in a way I know I don’t deserve. I slam on the brakes when it goes off.
People think I will always stick around no matter how they treat me.
Think again.
I do know how to walk away. I do know how to detach myself. I do know how to put myself first.
Don't believe me? Try me.
Watch me say goodbye. Watch me end things that don’t fulfill me. Watch me walk away and not look back.
I still find hope when things seem hopeless and I still fight for my voice to be heard. I know how to shine. I know how to do it all by myself for I will never stop working on myself. I know I have the power to change my life no matter how many times the world tries to make me forget.
I am a work in progress; working on my masterpiece. I am putting myself back piece by piece. I will not be sentimental and hold on to anything that doesn't serve any purpose to me or add value to my life. I will not slow my pace to allocate space for anything that holds me back.
I'm done with with all the lies, the bullshit, the crap, the drama and the games people play. I'm done with being tolerant.
I'm now building me.
I'm choosing me.