Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
Hi, my name is Erin. Ez is my nickname tho. I live around Norwich and I have 2 adorable dogs! Ava she is a beagle and just the cutest! And skyla who is always happy. She would come bounding over to any stranger who walked through the door!
I'm still in school and I don't have much free time with so much homework but I love to read. Therefore I want to be an author! When I have an idea for a book I'll put up a blurb and always keep you updated. Message me if you would like me to tell you when I post and I'm going to try make a book every one or two weeks! The book will be out on a Saturday so on the first week I'll post a blurb and the second I'll post the story. If the book will be late I'll have to post to say hi story will come next week thanks!