Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


This song has taken so long without official publication. It has been on websites for a while lacking edit and professional advice. However, I believe though simple in language and appearance,  it carries a serious message to Africa and beyond.

I can equate Africa to a big diamond not dug from  the ground. Majority of African leaders had failed Africa. Freedom Fighters were different from today's democratic leaders. These  digital leaders they seem to be with a different mind all together. The way they see things, perceive things even making decisions is quite different.

In this song I have covered different diagonals of life in Africa. Though mostly I have been crying against our leaders... Crying in the wilderness; crying in the jungle without  support but I know with certainty, one day, one great man will hear my cry and it will pay. Because he will stand on a mountain top - Kilimanjaro and say, no more corrupt Africa!

He will gather all AK 47 and say, no more killings!

I am waiting for this man who is wider than the Kalahari, longer than Nile, higher than Kilimanjaro and aged than Zinjanthropus! This great man has wisdom. His mouth gives few words but which has energy to detonate poverty, sickness, corruption, embezzlements, poor leadership...

* * * * *

Why Africa is not developing?


Why there is no food in Africa?


Leaders, leaders, leaders in every area. 

For how long shall this persists?

Until we go to learn from China, 

May be!

Abraham Blessings, 

Dar es Salaam




A Nonstop Political Gossip ®


In the wilderness

Of Africa,

A son of a farmer,

A poor African man!

Do you

Know why he is poor?

I have the answer brothers:

It is because of leaders

Of darkness:



Selfish and corrupt men

Of the third world!

Look here,

His coffee trees

Are no more

Because of lack of pesticides;

Fertilizers and good prices

In the market!

His cows

Are bone and skinny!

He cannot afford

A Veterinary doctor

Or drugs

To treat his cows,

Goats and sheep;

I look at him and

I feel sorry for him...

But what can I do for him?

I know

He has spent his last cent

Taking me to school;

He paid school fees for me;

I have never been sent

Home from school

As a result

Of lack of school fees;

My daddy is a hero!

I am 45 by now

I am a daddy too...

A father of one;

Don’t ask me why?

I can’t afford two or three!

What can I feed them?

How can I dress them?

How can I give

Them education?

What a life?

I am here

Standing in front of  my boss,

His tummy

Has been protruded towards me;

I hate his lousy body

Which lack exercises!

He looks at me

As if I have made her

School daughter pregnant!

His eyes

Are about to get

Out of its sockets!


He hates me so much!

Guess what?

My three months old-MBA!

Yes, only that!

This is Africa bwana,

Take care!

There’s muti bwana

The African charm!

Some African leaders

Are bogus

With hearts of hyenas!

Look at a hyena and see

How disgraceful it is?

How self centered it is?

And how  malicious it is?

This is the symbol

African leaders

Who are corrupt,

Thieves, self centered

And what we can mention...

To these sick leaders:

Beautiful are

Their daughters!

Handsome are

Their boys!

Sweet are

The votes of the poor!

Do you see how ugly

These leaders are?

Because they only love

My daddy’s vote

But they don’t think

Of his village;

His boys or

His daughters!

Lack of clean

And safe water;

Lack of good schools;

Lack of dispensaries;

Lack of electricity:

At least solar power;

And what and what!

What a leader?


I see a different character,

An enemy of Africa:

A failure!

These sick people

In power

They love limousine,

Toyota VX - V8

Special Specifications

Or Toyota Lexus!

Their tummies are full

Of corrupt cuisine!

As their homes are

Made up

Of poor men’s sweat!

Their children’s

Schools fees are

From NGOs which

Has been registered

For the sake of

Taking care

Of HIV/AIDS persons-



And widowers!

I am writing this

Not for the sake of my


But for the sake

Of the poor

Common people

Of the third world

Who are robbed

Their rights and wealth 

By those who owns AK 47

Or those who calls

Themselves politicians

Or Ministers

Or Permanent Secretaries

Or Directors!

While indeed:

They are

Bogus politicians

And fake civil servants

Who are greedy

And professional thieves!

I am telling you the truth;

Ask yourselves,

How much

Have you stolen

From your employers

By entering fake contracts

Or buying undelivered goods

Or services?

You see:

They are buying goods

Of low quality

For the sake of stealing

The difference!

Buying fake drugs

While knowing that

Those fake drugs

Are dangerous

To the health of

Their fellow human beings!

Buying outdated radar

Or expired presidential

Private plane

Without minding

The safety of the President!

Are these crows

Not dangerous?

And I am asking you:

How much have you

Received as

Bribes in one

Way or another,

How much?

Men don’t proud


For what you posses

Like good cars

Which you bought

From corrupted money

Or good houses

Located at high class


Don’t boast yourself

Wait for the gallows!

Boast yourself

By being faithful

And loyal

To your employer

And your fellow

Country men!

Yes, I love first class


Like Tata Madiba or

Julius Nyerere!

Thieves and wrong doers

Are not only behind bars

But some of them

Are in offices

Enjoying states taxes;

Even you call them

“Your Excellences!”

As they own limousines

On Government


I hate these people

Like hell!

AK 47 is not for thugs

And street robbers or war

But states men

Who have been voted

By their fellow

Country men:

Who turns “Rambo!’’

If not “rattle snakes!’’

“Thieves, greedy and

Smugglers of gold,

Timber and coffee!”

From their own countries!

While their kids

Are sent in Europe,

America and Canada

To get what they call


And education;

They forgot that:

They are destroying

Their kids by

The Western culture!

Others are being sent

To South Africa

To learn Afrikaans;

They have to thank

Tata Madiba


They could have been

Destroyed by

The syndrome

Of apartheid!

And I don’t know

Whether the killings

Of foreigners will leave

Their kids safe!

God knows!

On the other hand,

I got crazy

How South Africans can

Take guns or knives and kill

Innocent foreigners

Especially Tanzanians,

Jesus Christ of all-


We sheltered these friends

Of ours here,

And others were sheltered

There and there:

During the struggle

To uproot

‘Apartheid regime’:

Remember Mazimbu?

Make a recall!

Remember Dakawa?

Make a recall!

That is Morogoro brothers!

Indeed, we were brothers

And with no doubt

We are still brothers!

I remember

Even  Madam 

Thandi-my friend

At IDM-Mzumbe:

I taught her 

QM very well,


She was my friend!

But what is going on brothers?

Of all - Tanzanians?

My blood runs cold brothers!


Umkhonto we siizwe!

Whats up brothers?

Anyway, let’s forget

About that blowing wind

Of Satan – the enemy!

Who said our schools

At home are not good?

Haven’t you ever heard

About St. Mary’s

Fleet of schools?

What makes

The difference between

International schools in Tanzania

And those in Europe or America?

What makes

The difference between

Tanzanian investors

In the sector of education

At home

And those in

The western world?

With excessive money

In the pocket brother,

Which one

Has robbed others;

There is no discipline

In spending!

That’s why people

Are getting confused

And finds out where to spend?

They end up with satanic

Ways of using money

Like sending their kids

Refugees in other peoples’

Countries on the base

Of having better education!

What I am saying is that:

You are spoiling your kids;

You are spoiling

Tomorrow’s generation!

How will they come back

Full of foreign package of culture,

Attitudes and language:

How could they fit here?

God knows!

A kid of five

Is separated from his family

As he is taken a refugee

In white peoples’ country

For a number of years

Claiming that the kid

Is getting better education!

My friend,

That is not education at all

But schizophrenia!

The level

Of education has

Dropped in our country;

And has dropped


Those who are not


Their kids here;

Are responsible for

The death of the level

Of education

In this country!

And of course they

Are Ministers

And all

Big shots who suffers



Even Presidents!

Africa is segere matata:



How could

They strengthen

The curriculum

While their kids

Are schooling in Europe?

My dear Tanzanians,

You have been left alone!

Who will save you

From this pachanga?

Time will save



Time is a good



'Silence' is louder

Than 'words!'

You see,

Silent river;

Has taken lives

Of many

Than noise river!

Learn to have few words

And more actions!

Leaders of Africa,

Majority of them

Suffers development


They love to be 'worshiped!'


And considered as Kings!



Are not friendly

To the poor men;

Poor men who

Spent their whole day

Standing in long queue

Under the sun

Ready to vote;

Voting for whom?

“African leaders!”

African leaders who

Are not paying

Magnificent respect

To their voters!

Once elected,

They become boss

Of the bosses,

Proud, greedy

And shot tempered!

As they build a new relationship

With snipers and AK 47!

To me,

These types of leaders;

Are the same like aliens

From outer of


Aliens are aliens;

They know nothing

About Africa;

And its economical downfall

Or sicknesses!

How can aliens; 

Be aware of recession

As recession is God’s


They know nothing

About malnutrition

Or HIV/AIDS our fellow

Country men

Are facing!

They know nothing

About orphans

Or poor education

To our children!

These hypocrites

Are just standing

There tall

And boasting about

Their success;

And their children’s children

Wealth stored

In western banks

Like Swiss Bank!

I am here lying sick

And out of medicament;

I am lying here with

Empty stomach;

Forget about malaria

I am facing

Or cholera

Which my fellow village mates

Are suffering from!

Look, kids are in streets

Suffering from kwashiorkor

And heavy malnutrition

As their leaders are cruising

In Limousines and Toyota VX!

They are sitting

In parliaments for

3 months consecutively


Fat sitting allowances

Forget all about

Fuel allowances

And constituency


These are big people

And the most terrifying creatures

According to their patriotism?


While they call



To me:

May be 

“Elephants of corruption,”

Sick mind

And lazy politicians:

Who don’t care about

The basic problems

Of their people!

I am here looking ahead

For God’s sake

To save me out

Of this deadly economy!

The tide of loosing

Hope is so high!

But I will never ever allow

Hope to go away

Because strengths

Are in the palms

Of my hands

And my pen!

The tongue

Of my pen is so long;

It can be heard far far away!

Tata Madiba

Of African National Congress:

The conqueror

Of apartheid and the lion

Of Robben Island can hear it!

Look at the power of my pen,

Its strengths exceed that of AK 47!

My pen is black like my skin;

But it doesn’t speak

Chagga or Gweno!

It speaks English

The same like that

Tony Blair’s son speaks!

Thank you Julius Nyerere,

If it was not you,

I might have been ending up

At Masumbeni if not

Makomu selling

Maparachichi (avocados)!

But as you insisted on a free

Education system in the country,

Then I managed

To get good education!

I know they are


The country,

Yes I know!

Not only that,

I know they are


The country,

Yes I know!

Of course,

These thieves:

They got free education

Those days

Of Mwalimu-Nyerere

And before,

Because their elders

Were trusts worthy

To the system:

But how about


Thieves, corrupt men

And big liars!

But one day

These “jiggers

Will see the power

Of the “voice of the people!”

And not only people

But “common people!”

They will see


What is the meaning

Of “being behind bars

Without trial!”

They will see

Why the sun is rising

From East and not from West!

Look at me at 45,

I look like

A 55 year old man!

It is not because I am

A drunkard man,

Or my fault, no!

It’s because

For my 18 years

Which I have been

Serving my country:

As a loyal civil servant

Has never been

Good to me!

Ask me why?

My answer is:

Poor salary!”

A poor salary

Yet you don’t quit?

Yes I don’t quit,

As there is no alternative!

No alternative?

You are blind mentally!

And if you are blind mentally,

It will be difficult for you

To see 'right opportunities'

In life!

Let me help you:

Land is opportunity!

Pety trades is opportunity!

Poultry is an opportunity!

And so forth...

Open your inner eyes,

They see a far!

Keep on crying!

My salary has never

Been a good stuff to me;

A pay of a goat’s tail;

Has been a sword to me

And my family!

Thanks to 

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete

My President:

A bit in the Financial Year


Has increased our 

Salaries at a very

Reasonable rate:

GOD will bless you

Mr. President!

Big up!

If your employed

From lower to middle positions,

Prepare to be poor

If your mind sees opportunities

At a distance

Or not at all!

Thank you!

Let me keep on crying

For nothing!

Just gossiping here...

African countries

Are made up for politicians

And politicians only!

Ask me why?

Because fat salaries

Are for them!

Sweet and soft loans

Are for them

And their families

Even friends!

Agricultural land

Is occupied by them,

Their families

And friends!

Mining sites;

Hunting blocks;

Even big hotels;

Logistics and

Even fuel stations

Are belonging to them!


Are for their sons,


And even

Their concubines!

What a sh-t?

Yes, indeed,

These are the holy

Country men-

Who stands up

As representatives

In the most

Respective tool

Such as parliament!

To me,

Leaders of this type

Are “ordinary people”

With ordinary minds!

Ordinary people,

Think ordinarily!

Ordinary people asks

For ordinary things

Such as ‘salute’!

Posh houses,

VX or attending

Clinic for eye check up

In Paris!

Using “tax payers’ money!”

Sleeping at home with their

Wives inllstead of being

In jail?

Why not,

If not?

You see:

There are no

Books in schools;

No medicines in hospitals

And there are no

Desks in schools!

Just imagine,

A grown up person,

With white hair;

PhD holder

Well respected

In society;

A member of Parliament

And worse enough:

Electected by

Common people;

Is standing there - proudly…


‘You’re honorable Speaker

We need to be ‘saluted’

Like CDF or IGP!


We are great men in

This country!’

"Great, oh!"

Great men or thugs?

We know

Your children

Are sitting on the floor;

No desks at schools;

No medicines

In dispensaries;

Bad roads in rural areas;

No enough food;

HIV/AIDS is a calamity;

Forget all

About malaria

And cholera:

You are asking for ‘salute!’

As if it is a very important item

That will change your

Bank account

By adding

More money?

A mere ‘salute!’



I am not joking men:

I mean it!

God bless you men!

Because the way

You are cruising

In VXs and GXs

Then you think

Its cool everywhere:

I want to let you

Know that,

It’s not cool,

Your fellow countrymen

Are perishing out there,

No clean water

And tomorrow is


You think

Heaven is a free gift

For you!

And you think,

You will enter there

As if you are entering

Billicanas night club!

Yes, just like that!

Ordinary leaders,

Have ordinary minds

And they act ordinarily!

Ordinary leaders,

Thinks so deeply

About their tummies

As well as

Their concubines!


They are fanatic

And ridiculous!

I am standing

Here firm and strong


All the wrong dowers

Who drink the blood

Of their countrymen

Who are totally


I am standing

Here diligently

Opposing all African

Leaders (presidents)

Who turns their

Fellow countrymen

Their slaves;

And tax payer machinery

For the sake of

Their stomach

And their concubines called

Fake “Politicians!”

I am here

Standing tall

And firm raising

My voice to all

African leaders

Who are getting

Into power via:


That means disrespecting

“The power of vote”

Of common people!

Dear leaders,

AK 47 is not a solution;

Rather is a mark of curse!

You will never resolve

Political disputes

By the use of AK 47!


The only thing you are

Doing is to suppress


That’s all!

So you think

Suppressing democracy

Is a big deal, huh?

Suppressing democracy

By the use

Of AK 47:

Is to rise up the awareness

Of the common people

And International community

At large!

Look at Mugabe,

Even a two years old boy

In Filipinos 

He knows Mugabe

By name and character!

Is that what you want

Mr President?


Is not destroyed

By the use of bullets;

But by giving

The common

Men what they want!

What is demanded

By them as “majority”

It is “God’s will”

And “God’s will” is lawful!


Majority’s voice

Is God’s voice!

Majority’s vote

Is God’s vote!


The majority’s vote

Is to rob God’s vote!

Robbing God’s vote

Is a curse to a nation!

It is always

A principle curse

From the existing


To the fourth


To any one;

Being a leader,

An individual,

Or a group

Of people

Who are

Killing others

For the sake

Of grabbing


I warn you that;

That is

A generation curse!

A good number

Of Leaders have blood

Of innocent

People on the palm’s

Of their hands!


The people

You killed

Will never

Have mercy on you

Till the end

Of time!

These leaders


Innocent people

Like cows

And goats as

They took their lawful

Properties by force


And killing them


Their bodies

Are thrown

In crocodiles’ den!

For sure they will pay;

They will pay

To the last drop of blood!

I assure you;

Nothing remained

Even for testimony!

No skull, no bone!

This is Africa bwana!

Blood of innocent people

Is on killer’s palms:

No reconciliation;

No peace,

No future!

Africans we have

Decided to be

god ourselves!

We have decided

To abandon

The true GOD:

Calamity is on

Our shoulders!

Kony of LRA thinks

He is above GOD;

He slaughters people

Like goats!

The Lords

Of Northern Sudan

Thinks they

Are above

The true GOD

And they

Are destroying

The black Sudanese

Of Southern

Sudan - Darfur…

My true GOD

Is watching

You and your

Days are



My Jesus is watching

You too because:

The bitter days

Are coming

For all those who

Lives today as if

Tomorrow will

Not exist!

They may deny this

And ask for testimony:


Liberia tells much

More than what

I confess...

Burundi and Rwanda

Forget all about DRC

If not Sudan, Somalia

And Kenya

Now in the row!

Africa is sick!

Sick of democracy

And “mortal love!”

Look at Zimbabwe,

Is Mugabe their god?

Is Mugabe everything

To Zimbabweans?

Is it true that

Without Mugabe:


Will be no more?

Lack of

“Agape love!”

Some other calamities

We are inviting

Them ourselves:

Such like that of


A poor country

Like Zimbabwe

They are doing


Re-election for

What mother…


That is sin!

Mortal sin…!

Re-electing while

Children are dying

Of hunger

And malnutrition!

What a sin comrades?

People are

Dying in hospitals

Where there are

No drugs,

No food in the country

But Mugabe

And his puppets

Are placing orders

For AK 47

From China,

What a crime?

I said before,

Africa is Africa,

Leave it alone

And its lousy nerves!


Besides there

Lies lunatics!

Who call themselves


While they are not!


The richest continent

In the world,


It's occupants 

Are the poorest continent

On earth!

If you will try to raise

Up your eye brows

And tell them

The truth about

How wrong they are

Or they have to stop robbing

The country or continent:

They will start to think

About how to

Finish you!

And if not enough;

They will continue to

Think on

How to finish your family

And even the entire clan

Which you belong!

I am telling you;

Are you surprised?

Don’t look at me,

As if I have taken

A piece of meat from

Your plate!

Look at

The problems of Africa

And their African leaders

If not fake investors

Who rob all

The wealth of this

Undeveloped continent?

Just as Dr. Walter

Rodney predicted

By saying:




But my eyes sees:




Look at that my friend

And recalculate

The fortune of Africa

That is blown away

By the wind called:

“Investors from

The Western World!”

Don’t call them puppets

But ‘benefactors!’

These are the good guys

They know how to bribe

The big shots!

Always they

Are teaching them

About “tax holidays”

And how they will enjoy

“Grace periods" of 5 years

Without paying tax!


In a poor country!


After 5 years

They are just selling

Those businesses

To their

Counter parts;


Enjoying another 5 years

Without paying tax!

Do you think

They are stupid

Thos7e big shots?


Their kids are being

Schooling in the western

World on the expenses

Arising from “tax holidays”!


Be realistic men;

We are here juju people:

Suppressing the success of others

If not killing them completely,

Is it a lie?

Don’t point

At my nose, huh?

Your problems

You black people

Is that:

You don’t want to be


O.k. you are not black people;

You are Africans, good!


Don’t challenge me,

Challenge HIV/AIDS;

Tuberculosis, cholera,

Malnutrition and


You see brother,

A good number

Of innocent people

Are in prisons:

Some of them

Are serving

Life sentences

For crimes

Which they

Didn’t commit!

You see:

These are

Satanic leaders


Cannibals who have sent

Those innocent

People in jails!

For the sake

Of pleasing

Their concubines!

Simply because

They are proud;

Don’t challenge them!

The kind of democracy

We have in Africa

Is ‘artificial’!

Is ‘one man’s’ democracy!

Being in power in Africa

Is prestige!


African leaders will never ever

Wash the legs of their voters;

But voters will wash the legs

Of the leaders they voted!

Western world

Have democracy,

They are there for their

People in need;

They listen

And comprehend

To the demand

Of their people:

A balanced democracy

Is to listen to the people

And work for the people

According to the people!

Some of African leaders

Are denying democracy;

What I am telling

Them is that:

Aliens will come

And rule Africa

From outer space

One day!

In galaxy 10

There is no

Diamond, gold,

Spinal, ruby

Or crude oil!

They will come and

Collect it from here

For their Kings, Queens

And their economy!

What they will

Leave for Africa

Is destabilized


Man made craters

And deserts!

Which we will

Never recover

Even for 900

Years ahead!

Africa cried for freedom;

We got it and at the same

Time failed to rule


What was left in Africa

By White Men

All has been lost

In the wilderness

Of corruption,


And poor leadership!

And don’t forget about theft!

No more

Railways infrastructures;

And if they are there,

They are destabilized and


No more tarmac roads;

No more industries ranging

From textiles, ranches,

Agricultural inputs,

Bicycles or caned beef!

All has gone through

Theft and corruption!

But I wonder,

All the years,

In almost all

African countries,

They have managed

To run profitably

Their Breweries Industries!


Africans are good boozers

And very “worded!”

Talking, talking

Like a parrot

Without management

Of their actions?

(Don't beat me now!)


Is a good business in Africa;

At 10.00 AM

Young men are boozing:

Ranging from local brew

To white men’s brews!

These boozers’

Arguments are:

No jobs!

No employments!

They are big liars!


Tanzania for example,

Have enough

And fertile land

Scattered miles and miles

Waiting farmers!

I will tell you:

Along Malagarasi River,

Along Kagera River,

Along Rufiji River,

Along Kilombero River

And even along Lake Victoria:

Wonderful and splendid

Farms of century could

Be launched and increase

A number of employments

To our young generation as

Well as our agricultural experts!

But what has been done to date?


Only good slogans

In the Parliament:

That the Ministry responsible

Have good plans

Concerning agriculture

In the next 20-50 years!


African Politics has

Killed African Nations:

Think of a Doctor

Specializing in Dental Surgery;

Who is appointed as a Minister

For Defense or

Minister for Agriculture;

Try to figure it out!

At the same time a grade 8

Comrade is appointed a

Deputy Minister

To the same Ministry!

Permanent Secretary was a

Secondary school head teacher

Prior his appointment;

And a very close family friend

To the President!

Think of that situation?

What kind of language

In that Ministry will

Be suitable to apply?


If one speak German,

The other speaks Spanish!

What a cut through

And a balanced one

Will apply?

Is still a mystery!

This is Africa,

And this is

African management style!

That is:


No wonder here,

We rule, our wives rule,

Uncles and even

Our concubine rule!

If we fail: AK 47 is there,

It will rule!

Whether you like or not!

And now a day a new

Syndrome of fanatics

Has begun:

Building empires

Within empires!

Having posh offices full

Of western furniture;

And buying posh cars

For government use like those

Of David Beckham and

Michael Owen!

Why all these

While our children

Are lacking desks and books?

While many are sitting

On the floor at schools?

Have heart of mercy!

Can’t you standardize

Your vehicles?

Look at their house of commons,

Posh with swinging couches!

Is it necessary?

Look at the Britons’

House of Commons

Despite all the wealth they


Just simple!

Poor countries

Shame on you!

What I know for God’s sake

Is that:

A Government

Is a standardized entity!

An ethical body beyond

And above all odds;

And the most powerful,

Feared and respected tool!

In most African countries

Things are opposite.

A person with money

Owns government!

A person with money

Can slap a police officer;

Spit on him

And nothing happens!

A person with money can

Do anything he wants;

Any time;

Any place!

And not even a police man

Can point at him!

This is Africa

I am trying to draw here.


I am sitting here with no hope;

Writing these gossips!

Education in Africa

Is not a basis for success?

But the question here is:

Who value education in Africa?

Think of a grade 8 Director

In government Institution

Who directs a PhD holder!

With all complications

Of inferiority complexes

A class 8 man wear

On his face:

But still is a decision maker;

No matter what a sh-t

Of decisions he makes

He is there on top!

I told myself: may be

They have another type

Of a degree

‘The black charm!’

I said before,

African Governments

Lack standards and morals!

Don’t point a finger at me

When I figure this out:

Some African leaders

Are presidents

Of their families

And friends only!

They don’t stand as Presidents

As they don’t pay

Attention to their people!

But I say in the name of one

And only one living God

That, they will pay for it!

Every single blood of their people

Who died because

Of lacking attention of their

Leaders and every one responsible

For sure

Will be paid to the last drop!

Look at those

African leaders;

They have more than enough

For themselves!

An official car,

Children’s school car and even

Wife’s cars for attending

Salon to make their hair!

These women

Are going to pay

The same price

Their husbands

Will pay on cases

Of all women who died

Because of lacking

Ambulances to rush them

To the maternity wards!

My pen stings!

My pen fights!

My pen educates!

My pen arise awareness!

My pen is a friend

Of all Africans

Who have lost

Hope due to

Poor leadership

And corruption!

My pen looks ahead

To fight corruption,

Poor leadership

And lack of awareness

Among Africans!

This is my pen:

The Black Pen

That will never ever


My black pen

Is here to stay

Yes forever

To celebrate

The days

Of the black warriors

Who are stoned to death

Because they are writers;

Photographers or

Freelance journalists!

Who portrays the image

Of innocent civilians

Who are

Robbed their rights and wealth

By few men

Who call 

Themselves leaders

While indeed

They are not!

Am sorry,

I might be too much!

But I failed to hold myself!

©Abraham Blessing

+255 654 532 778 / 762 195 403

P.O. BOX 3751




  • Oct 16, 2018

  • Wow! Powerful piece of writing. 💜

    Oct 16, 2018

  • Oct 26, 2018

  • Abraham Blessings

    Abraham Blessings


    Jan 31, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    Remarkable and tragic ✍️🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Jan 31, 2019

  • Mar 12, 2019

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