Mirror View Read Count : 132

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation

As a struggling youth, David's only moments of peace were provided courtesy of the best people he encountered; those who took a moment to reflect back to him all the potential he had. Rather than delve into imperfections or failings, they chose to show him all that he had going for him, and all he could be. David learned a lot about himself from them. In their own way, each of them had helped him to become the man he is today. They left a huge mark in his life and he made a vow to himself to do the same for others. 

He kept true to his words. He became the same type of person who today tries to do the same for all of those in his life. He realize it's the biggest part of why, as imperfect as he may be, he's still able to look himself in the mirror at the end of the day and love who he sees. 

We interact with so many people over the course of our lives, and to some degree, each of the people with whom we've had encounters has contributed to the formation of how we see ourselves. Some have acted as elegant mirrors with ornate frames, enhancing how we see the beauty in ourselves. Some have been the simple coated glass, consistent and reliable in showing us how to focus on the practical side of things. And some, have unfortunately acted as the distorted mirrors that one would find in a circus, contorting our views of ourselves to become something dreadful and frightening, enlarging and amplifying imperfections to make them seem unrealistically huge. 

In any case, we hold the power to help others form impressions of themselves. Selfish and hurtful people know this, and will twist and distort in an effort to devalue others. Hopefully we can be mindful of the intentions of others and remember to see the best in ourselves. Likewise, lets be part of the effort to help others see themselves more accurately, free of distortion; as beings of infinite worth and potential, accentuating their finer points, and helping them to see the beauty inside and out. 

Perception can make things seem and feel very real, so it's important to understand the difference between what we perceive to be true, and what is actually true. The best people in our lives act as living mirrors. They are those who help us see the best in ourselves even when don't see them ourselves. 

If you see yourself as powerless, weak, worthless or anything like that, it's certainly time to clear some of the gunk from the eaves of your mind. If so many things in life seem hopeless, scary and pointless, it goes without saying that you have a perception problem. 

The world is truly beautiful, with countless opportunities for development, growth, advancement and change, and you can become whatever you want. Now, THAT is the truth. So look at yourself in the mirror again and try to see beyond the imperfections and failings that may only be visible to you. Try to see the potentials that may been hidden from your view and start looking at yourself in a new light. In a nutshell, adjust your thinking accordingly. 


  • Oct 15, 2018

  • True to the deepest part.

    Oct 15, 2018

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