Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure

I am a learner and a student. The world is my institute and ALMIGHTY GOD is my Dean. So it is the doubt in each one that makes me to explore new things, so anything that I write definitely has mistakes and I am not talking about grammar but about the content or else the reader might find something more than what I could. So as the writing itself is oriented towards information irrespective of any other particular things related to religious, non religious, fiction, non fiction and desires to be free from the clutches of the same old generation tradition and customs, I prefer to explore things of this GOD'S World and what is the reason behind the slow or neutral process of the establishment of the kingdom of ALMIGHTY GOD.

So please while reading my post give importance only to the characters and please even if they are religion oriented, forget that because A STORY SHOULD BE READ AND IF YOU LIKE IT TAKE THE GOOD POINTS, VOMIT THE USELESS. 

The moral is ALMIGHTY GOD created both good and bad but it is left to us which one we choose. I have choosen GOOD OVER BAD and also assure that others also will do the same. 


  • Good

    Oct 15, 2018

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