Category : Stories

Sub Category : Science Fiction

One of the fellow friend has asked me BIBLE says ALMIGHTY GOD created human body from clay but we have proof of dinosaurs bones, what is it?

The answer is simple, you people see buildings, why we use steel or iron rodes to build floors why can't we build with it? What happens? Will the building stand up or will it collapse. Bones are calcium based which appears first and considered as the foundation of human body, it is strange but also the fact that the bones in womb are formed the food products with fibre presence. First the layer of bones is like a fibre pipe and has the pregnant woman consumes food it converts into blood and gets cloth in to cells thereby forming bones then after 300 bones forms in 120 days remaining flesh gets its growth completed in 100 days in between this time human soul gets implemented in the women womb given movements to it and final 50 days assembles the body structure by expansion. So the BONES ARE THE FOUNDATION OF UTMOST ALL THE CREATURE.

Finally have anyone seen dead body after 2 days, you will notice that the body gets cracked and its hardness is dead and the worms starts eating the flesh, that hardness is the CLAY explained in BIBLE. That's why they DIG THE DEAD BODY IN BOX ASSUMING TO PRESERVE IT BY THEY CAN'T because it is ALMIGHTY GOD'S rules. NO CREATURES BODY IS PERMANENT EXCEPT THE FIRST CREATED BONES, So in some religion they even burn the bodies and you will notice that HUMAN BODY HAS GOT CONVERTED INTO ASHES. 


  • Bravođź‘Ź, ill get you next time bud.

    Oct 14, 2018

  • Good

    Oct 14, 2018

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