Read Count : 107
Category : Stories
Sub Category : N/A
I knocked on the door again. No one answered, but I knew the house wasn’t empty. They were expecting me to give up and go away, but I had other plans. I climbed the side of the house and entered the living room through the open window. Jenna was perched in the corner with a look of terror across her face. Jenna terrified quickly gets up and tells me it’s not safe and that I should leave. I was just about to ask what she meant by that when a whistling went through the house. Drumming starting slowly until it got louder and louder.Jenna shrinks down as three girls enter the living room. I’m standing directly in front of them with a look of shock and terror.Immediately like I had expected they backed me up against the wall. I tried to peel myself away from their attention, but it was no use I was stuck here.What was going on who were these girls? Why did they have Jenna here of all people?I was just about to ask those very questions. When the one girl with brunette hair spoke to me.“You scared Jacob because you should be. Do you remember me you should. I mean I did try to propose to you and if I remember correctly you said no.”Jessica? I replied with a stutter in my voice.“Bingo so you say no to me because you’re afraid of us getting a divorce yet you marry this peasant girl.”Jenna’s ten times a better person you’d be. Besides I’m not afraid of that thanks to her.Jessica was about to speak when the girl on the left with the black curly hair began speaking.“What about me Jacky I thought me and you would be forever. Your stupid fear though made you say no to me. What makes this Jenna girl so special?”Disgusted I respond with a max level of attitude “stop with the pet names Raven, and you and I both know my fear had nothing to do with me saying no.”“Well I’m still better than both Jenna and Jessica you just can’t accept a perfect girl when you see one.”You’re far from perfect there is no perfect girl not even Jenna’s perfect, and she made me realize that.Jenna now standing beside me holding onto my arm. She was about to speak up when the girl in the center spoke up.“You two were together what 5 years? Me and you were dating 2 months before I proposed. You’ll break up with Jenna and come crawling to me.”Ha ha the fact that you actually believe that is rather comical. The fact that you proposed two months into our already failing relationship is precisely what made it sink.“Believe what you want to believe but we all know I’m better.”Now after hearing all three Jenna finally speaks up. Her fear mostly gone now that Jacob was here.“You’re aware you won’t get away with this. Kidnapping guys wives just because he said no to you. You three didn’t love him you just wanted his cash. I love him though and he loves me. I helped him get through his fear.”She’s right and me and her will get married. You three can’t stop us because you’re no longer apart of our lives.Infuriated all three stormed out of the house aggravated that their plan failed.-Four years later-Hey honey what you up to?Hey I’m just reading the paper.Ooh anything interesting by chance?Yeah actually uh Raven, Jessica and Clarisa were all convicted after kidnapping a guys wife.Wait? Really that’s insane! Dang I’m really glad you showed up at that house when you did.Yeah me too shall we go wake up the girls?Yeah, kids come on get up!The end.This was an activity provided to me on another writing app. I only had an hour to come up with something. If you feel the story could use more details or be continued.I’d love to make it an actual story.