Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Title: (where the dust settles)
Whritten: 07/16/18
They say that when you've lost everything that you really and truly Have ever loved,and have nothing or no one left but yourstelf, and your life has faded to the dust from whitch it came.the only thing left to do is land were the dust settles,,and pick up the peace's.
All my life I've struggled, I've failed, been a failier to most, and the struggles I have I still got,em, "cause they came from my ghost.
People have judged me,,and ran my name in tha dirt,
They don't realize what they cause, when they add to another life, missery and hurt, but in return ,I brought vengance,and pain.The vengance I brought took me away,
for years and years to a place full of pain,we're the lights they'd glare night and day, and I had to stay and pace,and rattle my cage.
Those tears I shed, and the memoirs I kept of those who loved me,We're all I had to keep me strong,
and I dreamt of the day,that my cage would open,and I could find my place to call home,
Well the home I thought I had,it was good for minute.and The town i once new had packed up and left,but what remained was frozen in my mind.locked away in the stillness of time.
Through all this I had hoped for a good life,
I've dealt with more pain in this short period,than most have seen in one lifetime,
I have few friends,and I can count my true one's on one hand,
So if one day I don't wake,and I never got to say, that all I wanted was for people to see,that I wasn't the man from my past,all my ghost had left ,now im setting alone and I wonder if I'll ever exsist cause no one saw the change.
For one day I was shining bright,and the next I faded off into a cloud of dust,and when it settles,that's we're you'll find me but this time, to pick the Peace's up no more.