Tribute To 9/11 A Soldiers Born Read Count : 127

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Title: ( A Soldier's born )

Writen: 09/11/2018

By: Jeffrey Stevens

9/11 Is a time for remembrance, for on this day in 2001,many innocent lives perished,  military, fire and police, along with the citizens  of New York and Manhattan, they are truly heroes, for the sacrifices they made helping the wounded, along with the clean up and rebuilding of a national landmark the twin towers, all in all  America stood tall that day fighting through there emotions, and battling through the elements to get to the wounded and those in need, this is what we do as Americans we stand  together, stand proud, we love our country, and our neighbors, and our freedom 

God bless the USA, and the men and women who died, and fought for our freedom,


( The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.)

A soldier stands alone in the darkness,

wounded, out of breath, his heart racing, as he prays to not leave this way,

 visions of those he loved, and memmories of home flashed through his mind, one gasp two gasp, his air is fading,

( He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:)

Out of the darkness came  the Calvary,

a flash of gunfire rang through his ears, while the enemy fell,

The bird in the sky flew across 

And carried him away,

( He leadeth me beside the still waters.)

The battlefield of Gettysburg was riddled with death, states fighting states, for the freedom of man,

( He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name' sake,)

January 1st 1863,while the south lost, Lincoln freed the slaves,

war was born, and there he stood soldier was his name,

( Yea,though I walk through the vally of the shadow of death,)

Army, Marins, Navy, and Air Force. World war one, and two Hiroshima, and Vietnam, then the Desert Storms of 91,

( I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me,)

BinLadin scared us all, as those twin towers fell, and the  Pentagon burnt, But in a feild in Pennsylvania, Flight 93

heroes were born, sacarfices made, innocent lives we're lost in a second, one breath they were gone.

( Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:)

9/11 was the day when time stood still, While the world prayed for peace,our solder's stood tall and proud to avenge the fallen by fighting for our freedom,

( Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over:)

And when Obama addressed 

Our nation, as the news flashed across our screens,

we got him we got him, Bin,Ladin is dead,

( Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:)

Our Flags flew high, as tears  happiness, and cheers ecoed through the night,

And there among the crowds stood a soldier, chanting tried and true, i'm red white and blue that ones for you, Our freedom,  the fallen, and the 2,996 innocent lives that were taken, as our loved ones watched from home,

( And i will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever, Amen.)

And out of the darkness came a born solder, 

from a war torn world, and inocent blood shed.....And as the song goes, land of the free,

Home of the brave, and God bless the USA.....

Everyone please share this Tribute, to 9/11, today is a day of remembrance, and a day to honor our military, and those who perished, and those who survived, for  

There acts of bravery and kindness, thank you and God bless.....


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