The Beast Inside Of Me (part 4) Read Count : 102

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Days have past. Dad has called a million times. But if I come home he'll have to see me like this, a monster. I creep at night to find who wants me or that boy who saved me. "Well isn't it one of those beast." A man calls form behind me. I turn and I get knowed off my feet. The man steps on top of me. I summon the wind to push him off. I get up to run. "Beast don't run they fight." He says getting up. "I don't know who you are but I am not a beast." I hiss. He pulls out a sword and uses gravity to pin me to the wall. "Let her go." A male's voice yells. And its the same one who saves me each time. "Chris." The man yells. "I forgot you were one of them." He pulls a needle out and stucks it in my neck. I let out a scream. Something is happening and its not good. I see my reflection in a puddle near by. My eyes are turning red. Pain shoots through my back. Something is happening and I don't want to change again.

                               (To Be Continued)


  • Sep 16, 2018

  • Sarey England

    Sarey England


    Sep 16, 2018

  • Sep 16, 2018

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