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So comes October and the well known holiday of Halloween. The history of which has nothing to do with the Christian version of the false idea of it being Lucifer, the Devil's birthday, which is an unverifiable lie bestowed by the Catholics. The original holiday originated the Pagan's who conducted animal sacrifices during this time, but in some regions it originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. The other important factor, this is also said to be the time Witches or Wizards are at full power as in there magical spirit is unleashed in the world. I'll get into this later though.
The Pilgrims, originally banned the celebrating of Halloween in America because of it's pagan roots. As a matter of fact, Halloween was not celebrated in the United States of America, until the year of 1845. It the understanding that around this particular time, a large flood of Irish Immigrants came to this country during the Potato Famine of 1845-46. They brought with them the old Druid's holiday of Halloween with them. Henceforth, this is when the holiday we know today took it's roots in America. During these days, the old legends of magic and mysterious creatures have mostly been forgotten. Only fabled by movies or television.
Here is a mistake Christians commonly make, is the idea that Halloween is intended is an a occult holiday. This actually has nothing to do deal with the Devil. The Celtics were considered a cult from the Christian point of view. A cult is an organization that believes in something different from the Bible. It doesn't inherently make the person that believes in that cult evil. This as I said before, originated from the Catholics who were overcome by fear and greed. They lied about the real standing of what Halloween was about, and in the 1800's Pope Gregory instituted November 1st is All Saints Day, commonly referring to Halloween and October 30th and 31st Is All Hallows Eve. It was then during this time that the Catholics attempted to normalize Halloween as a common holiday.
Masks and Monsters
As it was believed by the keltics, they wore masks and lit bonfires in order to prevent evil spirits from taking over their bodies. In spiritual studies, it is considered around this time of year the veil between the light and darkness is it at its weakest point. This weakness in the Veil, supernatural entities to wander into the normal world. Not all of which are inherently evil. It's more like those unwanted visits from relatives that like to drop by unannounced from time to time. At this time, they believed light and those masks would frighten them away. Later on they realized it was really the garlic they wore around there necks. Okay, just kidding as this has been considered another technical lie.
Legend of Vampire and Garlic
This is another unverified lie, which only a real vampire could tell you if they could survive the garlic. Garlic has been used in history for battling infections and illness. It's a very commonly used deterrent for Gardens for blood sucking insects such as ticks, mosquitoes, and leeches. In 1900's the well known story Dracula, by Bram Stoker, was one of the first recorded novels using garlic as a vampire repellant. I can tell you if it's true, I am definitely not a vampire.
No Reflections
Okay, so this one is an interesting belief, because it actually makes some real sense. It was originally thought in the 1400's, that the undead were unable to cast a reflection. Since ghosts and spirits are lacking of a body, it kind of makes sense that they would cast no actual reflection. As far as vampires or physical body supernatural creatures are concerned, this is another unknown factor. As I refer to them, unverified lies. The idea of monsters and vampires not casting a reflection, started in Dracula and spread like wildfire. Readers should trying to always make the distinction between fact and fabled. Like I said before, I've never met a vampire so I can't verify this by myself.
Witches and Warlocks
So here we are again, talking about fables or fairytales. That's at least what most people think, but this is not a fact. Witches and Wizards, are very real. Does we live in somewhat of a cynical age, people don't realize that there are facts and then there are fables. The old icon of the witch with a big long nose, green skin" and warts all over her face, is not the true appearance of a witch. A Witch and Wizard, are normal looking people with special abilities. As my understanding, they actually have the capability of tapping into the spiritual realm to borrow energy. In rare instances, we know stories that have been passed down for centuries. Such as the legends of Merlin and King Arthur. Merlin was considered one of the most powerful Wizard's in the world, who was so powerful he was actually able to go forward in time on several occasions. He learned a great deal about the future, and according to some of the writings he had left behind he had discussed giant metal birds, which we believed we are airplanes and many other things pertaining to the old world and the new world linked together. Witchcraft is not in itself inherently evil, though it has the potential to become evil in the wrong hands.
Many people have the lack of understanding, what magic really is. Magic is the ability to tap into the spiritual realm and borrow elemental power. On new television shows, we see you supposed Wizards blasting some kind of elemental power such as fire or lightning. This dates back to an ancient time, unknown unable to at least figure the time it originated from. Many people would like to pretend that this isn't real, but unfortunately it may be true. I hate to burst your bubble, but anyone with any kind of intelligence shouldn't immediately believe that it's not possible to command or control the elements. In a way we've been doing it for years as humans what's the use of electrical equipment, or even some of the simplest tools. During ancient time, we made fire by rubbing two sticks together or smacking rocks up against each other. It's not so far-fetched just to believe that a person might be capable of commanding some type of element from their body. We just need to understand how it's possible. This is not the only type of magic though.
Magic Unleashed
There are several different schools of magic which exist. The easiest way to break these down, would be in five specific categories.
Black magic- This is likely the most common form of magic thought of. This focuses mainly on elements and also contains the idea of necromancy. Necromancy is the school of magic pertaining to the dead.
White magic- This is one of the most thought of times as well, is white magic is considered the staple of healing and purification. This magic is dated back to the witches that used natural herbs and spiritual magic to heal the sick or weak. To this day and age, we commonly study in medicine how natural herbs are more beneficial than synthetic drugs. Know though, just because something is natural doesn't mean it's completely safe.
Green Magic- Okay so most people don't know what green magic really is. It's a common mistake, but the easiest way for you to actually remember this would be the word green. Green magic actually is considered the school of geomancy which controls the Earth around us. You focus on the natural elements of energy and the landforms around you and take control of it. According to a Legend, Mau Foo Lai, was so powerful she was capable of leveling and creating mountains.
Spirit Magic- So the name of this implies just what it says. Spirit magic is known to be used to tap into someone's spiritual energy. This can be somewhat the controversial school, because it was believed that they may have also dabbled in necromancy. Since necromancy is considered somewhat occult, it's become a very disliked style of magic that's discussed. In this day and age, most people have become very desensitized to magic and what it really represents.
Enchanting- The final school, this is actually branched out in all the other forms of magic. From binding elements to weapons, too making someone fall in love, to taking control of someone's mind. One of the most common forms of enchanting actually still exists today called hypnosis. Hypnosis is actually one of the most common forms old enchanting magic used. Some people seem to be more effective than others it hypnosis, which leads to the belief that some people are naturally gifted. Some people are just not capable of producing hypnosis. It is a very rare instance, but there are a few people who seem to also be immune to the abilities of hypnosis as well.
So to make it brief, magic is simply not what we were led to to believe. It's a much broader discussion than what people simply can think about. Most people dismiss magic, simply because they are prejudiced. Innocence though now, we have labeled different forms of magic with different names. This is why most people seem to be misled into thinking that magic doesn't exist. The truth is, that it's just something we don't expect.
Black cats and the number 13
Okay, so this is considered some of the worst omens from old wives tales. Nobody actually knows where the belief of black cats crossing someone, will cause bad luck to follow. As far as we know, that kind of remark could have come from the complete jerk that hated cats. Most people believe, it's because of their black for that it seems to frighten them. When startled, they tend to do things that might cause an accident. In truth, I've had plenty of black cats cross me and not have any bad luck follow. In fact, I've never had that happen before. Just like the black cat belief, the number 13 also has a very questionable background. This actually has a little bit of history behind it for Christians.
So a brief history about why the number 13 has a bad rap for Christians, is because of Jesus Christ and his 13 apostles. in case you don't know the story behind it, Jesus Christ was betrayed by one of his apostles Judas. Judas was paid off by one of the Romans, if Judas would point out to them which one was the person that claimed he was the son of God. Jesus, was the specific man they were referring to. During his last supper, Judas kiss Jesus on his head, letting them know which one was the person they were targeting. This is one of the main reasons that the number 13 has such a bad reputation. The truth of the matter, as the number appears in all kinds of places related to spiritual beliefs. Just to give you a good example there are 13 zodiac. Most people think they're 12, but there is also a 13th which is not known as well about. This is the Zodiac referred to as, Serpentarius. It is nonconventional, but this birth time falls in the last half of November and the first few days of December. Be careful when reading about the Zodiac though, because scientists mistakenly put false information up. The dates of the Zodiac do not change, and they have no reason to make that assumption. The origin of them remains the same and Serpentarius has always been there.
Halloween Today
After explaining some of these ideas and beliefs around Halloween, you should know that It bears little effect on how we celebrate today. Certainly, we dress up our kids in costumes and let them walk around for candy. It isn't as much about the spiritual belief nowadays as much as it is about having fun and being something different for just a night. Whether you dress up like a ghost, goblin, witch, or character from a tv show remember that it is an ancient holiday with other origins than we once knew as children. Have a safe upcoming holiday. Me, I'll be sitting outside with a nice toasty fire if the weather is good. Happy Halloween!!!
Parents should remember to watch there children. Kids should remember not to accept candy from people they don't know. If you feel threatened or see any suspicious activity remember to call for help. Halloween is a holiday celebrated with many risks. Parents should examine children's candy for any suspicious looking wrappers or tasty contents. If you intend to visit a haunted house this year, remember to be safe and not too pull any mean-spirited pranks. children should be extra wary of strangers on the Halloween, as some adults may be wearing costumes. Also be aware that there is a legend of a spirit who grants a single wish to anyone who finds her.