Resistance Read Count : 98

Category : Diary/Journal

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   So by now, I'm sure almost everyone has heard of the Op-Ed and the New York Times. It was claimed to have been written by a member of the administration. They were saving and making the claims that they are trying to prevent him from completely collapsing the countries political systems in the economy Itself by preventing him from signing the worst bills possible. Whether this is true or not, the people globally should not sit idly by hoping that they deal with the problem. If someone does something wrong in the United States, it is our duty to speak against these travesties. 

   Sometimes, we think what we do and say in the United States has no effect, but this is not true. It is thanks to the courageous people that have taken stands in the past who have changed the way we think about everything. During the days of segregation, the African Americans were treated horribly. This was changed when people like Rosa Parks took a stand against the abusive treatment. Simple things like showing natural courtesy to all should be written in our blood. Strangely enough, my father can be somewhat racist yet my mother seems to not really be bothered by someone's skin color. I need some bad decisions in my youth, I was misjudging people like Barack Obama simply by color of the skin.

   When I was in highschool,  friend set me straight reminding me that skin color was unimportant. That prejudice is the reason we do things sometimes naturally. We don't even notice that we do things on occasion, like moving to the side if we're going to pass someone that's a different skin color. Another example of this, would be fearing to shake the hands of an African-American because of the fear they might pull a knife on us. These are common stereotypes raised by the news and other issues that we have seen. The truth is, anyone can be a criminal and skin color has very little to do with it. Actually, it has to do with living standards which African Americans have been given the smaller end to that scale.

   This has been proven by natural daily interactions. We need to be able to resist these kind of problems the same way we resist temptations. Some people are more easily swayed obviously, however, we need to resist Prejudice the same way we resist letting things go by. It is because of our beliefs that make humans so powerful. It is because of the hope that we have and our actions, that we may change the future.

   "One small step in the present, is  giant leap for future generations."



  • Sep 13, 2018

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