Intruders (part 5) Read Count : 108

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Sports

"RUN!!!!!" Inchigo ran as fast as lightning even with an almost broken arm while the others were far behind. They were lucly they made it in time! Max was sweating alot while Emily and Li Bing keeps panting alot. "Welcome students! I am glad you all made it to the magical school of sunset city! " wow this will be an ejoyable year for sure! The teachers gave us our schedule and i was amazed that it is magical training most of the time :-/

     I only realized....a girl was staring at me! She looked from me, then to Max and smiled at Max when he looked at her. I am sure that girl is jealous i am beside Max... "psst so whats your power, Inchigo?" Max asked... oh my power is.....

To be continued ;-)


  • Sep 12, 2018

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