I Can Always Dream And Fail Read Count : 120

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The legal Drinking age should be raised a little to 65. Since we can't really eliminate alcohol from existence, this is the next best option.

Alcohol can be beneficial in some cases, being intoxicated was the common anesthesia before modern forms of anesthetics came out. But that is an old method that has been surrendered in the medical field, something we read about in medieval times. And now that our society has science that looks deeply into human health, We know what alcoholic beverages do to the body, such as physically shrinking the brain and disabling muscular systems, etc. And even if it is a medicine not everyone needs it who is drinking it.

21 is too young to affect the body in ways that alcohol does.

It affects vision, you can't see straight, it makes it impossible to go out. If you decide to drink and drive you could kill yourself AND someone else. Affecting more than just you. In a world where only you exist, drinking won't affect anyone else.

You can say all you want that you take safe amounts of the poison, but there is another thing that drinking by 21 does to many people. At the age of 21, many people are thinking of starting a family. And early 20's mid 30's are the ideal age for making that happen. Your peak of health should be in your 20's. And if you want a healthy baby, you need to be healthy yourself.

People dont want to listen to people like me when we say you can't have sex if you are drinking, and expect to be treated highly. I myself being affected by FAS don't take this lightly.

Symptoms of FAS parents cause on their children

Developmental: delayed development, failure to thrive, learning disability, low birth weight, short stature, or slow growth
Behavioral: aggression, antisocial behavior, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or irritability
Also common: misshapen face, anxiety, congenital heart disease, hearing loss, intellectual disability, malnutrition, poor coordination, single line on palm, speech impairment, or vision disorder

Because my birth mother drank, I face the fact that, I suffer from the consequences. I'm lucky that I have the “easy way out”... Up until my wonderful family adopted me, I was too sickly to be counted as a baby. My parents were told by the people at the orphanage that I'd never be able to walk, or talk, or even live another week. But why should one human life in a place like that be treated differently from the other 100 babies needing the same things. Adoption isnt the answer to getting rid of your unwanted children because you didnt want to take care of your body when you needed to most.

But at the age of 65, your health is expected to collapse. You are retired, and most people probably won't be having children at this age. You can't really look 65 when you are 20, so it can be easier for you to have less access to the stuff. Less adults will face health issues from drinking. There's plenty of time to raise a family in a humanlike way and drink when everyone's moved out.

(Never gonna happen, I know. But I guess that's why I can always DREAM of a more perfect life.)


  • Sep 12, 2018

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