Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Our intelligence agencies have reported with reasonable certainty that they have evidence of Russian microwave attacks on our embassy staff in Cuba. These attacks affected the hearing, balance and mental clarity of our diplomats. In objective review of Dopey Don's pattern of numerous mental, speech and motor skill performance, I believe that Putin has microwaved, perhaps fried Fake President's tiny brain. Recall how his hands shook while trying to drink his bottle of water? Recall how he severely slurred his words "the junited stechs" and three times mispronounced the word "anonymous "? Remember how he always repeats himself and makes frequent inane claims? Recall how he seemingly never has even a marginal grasp of which he speaks when it comes to policy matters? I do. This man's mental stability is clearly in distress, much like his failing presidency. It is time that he makes America Great Again by resigning his position as Fake President before he damages our nation beyond repair. The "Apprentice " President has got to go.
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