Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
By: Jeff stevens
- It's been 16. Months, since being released from the confinement of the cold pale prison walls, where I spent five years of my life holding on to hope.
- It was there that I paid the dues I owed em, while I held on to those I loved, and lost.
- They were times of hurt, and years of saddness, as painful as this was, I pushed right through, never forgetting where I came from or who I was.
- I reflected back, to choices I made, the people I hurt, and the lives I changed while feeling there pain.
- So as I sat and thought about my life, and the things I needed to change, I worked hard to better my ways, while leaving my past behind.
- Now as I set here a free man, lost, lonely, And heartbroken,
- There was happiness for a time, and love for a season, as the drug of destruction, walked through,
- it took with it my life And all that i loved, and the people I lived for.
- There were lies, and deception, arguing and hate, liveing on these streets, homeless and hurt, While dealing with my pain,
- And though I tryed to hang on, the grips of death had a hold on my soul,
- These were times I thought of suicide, and one night while setting alone in my truck parked back in holler,,
- As the darkness was closeing in I placed a loaded gun to my head,with thought's of pulling the trigger,
- I turned up my radio to find the perfect song, while visions from my life flashed through my mind,
- And as I closed my eyes to end it all, with tears flowing down my face, I placed my finger on the trigger,
- And what happened next well I was amazed,
- As I went to pull the trigger I saw a flashing light, and heard a thundering bang, As the hand of God reached down pulling the pistol away.
- And as time paused and stood still, it was there in the mountains of the holler that the presence of God saved my soul.
- And though I'm still homeless heartbroken, and lonely I breath the breath of life, and cherish each moment,
- and these things I will live for one day at a time.
- This was a dark night of the soul, as I had went through deep bouts of saddness and depression, and I was pulled from this with God's love, and these two verses. That I heard.
- Psalm 34:18-19 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
- Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
This is the glory of God here on earth and I’m amazed by it all the time, thank you for sharing this poem as part of your testimony. Do you believe when I say I woke up so depressed and I only had darkness surrounding me, I screamed in my head get me out of here I can’t do this anymore ? then he said to me I’ll show you an escape when times like this comes use your expressions and creativity to write everything and this way you can help others... I really thought it was me.. when I open the app which I had for 3 wks now but didn’t sign up for it yet the first tittle your title and that alone shook me then as I read through it I seen it just like a movie I felt it and I burst in tears because oh my Lord how much you loves us! And then my cloud went away I can breath again. May the Lords mercy be upon you as you keep continuing your newest and most exciting journey ever keep your head up high and don’t ever turn back! I bless you and thank you.
Sep 10, 2018