Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
U dumb ass u weren't in the cold when u with budi talk n shit in phone
If i let u in I will kill u but be my guest
New # so fast what that makes 5 or 6 now wow
Didn't u get reply already?
I don't know who ur talking about don't know them don't know the # if dude do him if bitch fuck her2 I don't care what the fuck u do player
U are the biggest liar biggest thief you did to break in my garage Kelly asked for your numbers after she heard and what was it that you called Stacy? Fat some thing or other I will let her know what you think of her I know her husband her husband's dad and all the chain that stems from the badest thing running out there im sry to hear that you still want to deny too bad you wouldn't take lie test but I make sure she knows what u think of her good luck she is a hand full most guys don't want to mess with her but looks like you can't wait to meet her your a liar and a theif and anyone that knows you knowsthat! Coward is what u are can't tell the truth if ur life depended on it well fake and spineless it just might depend on it when you meet her these people are reacting to your lying mouth drunk jerk so don't blame me I want nothing to do with you u a fool childish brat time for school fool.
You lying MF playing lil thieving bitch u must not understand a fucking thing stay the fuck away don't u get it? Not talking bout dick either! Fuckingretard u more concerned about dildo than u are bout keeping ur kids warm that you was used in front of u when ur freak ass was watching the doll go fuckyour fuck buddie or who ever u been doing u are God damn lucky u didn't get ur ass kicked up and down the fucking street keep fucking with me ignore n me, and come over here if u want to get hurt! Stay the fuck away from me and mine u a thief a liar and a smart ass brat that will absolutely learn a lesson bout 1 too many times guaranteed
There is no she u bitch go fuck Dean again stay the fuck away from me and mine if u posted shit u will regret for sure
Aumsville is that where one of your boyfriends live? Why do you lie why is that more important than love to you? You will learn some how some day that lying never ever ever ever has no real place to settle and more is added or more lies to cover up the original lie you need to learn that or not but sure help your character a great deal and some one could finally begin to trust you the foundation for strong relationships is built on trust butwhen lying no trust can even it for some lucky guy don't lie to him at all no matter what guess I wasn't the one u want or you wouldn't lie tome.
You've got not guts but maybe a lil retardation going on u don't reply to anything I asked or talked about instead u worry about some you that has been around for long time there isn't hasn't and won't be a she over here but im sure u got to have warm place to stay fuck sum buddie for a place or wtfe u docuz u ain't never alone like u usually claim I know better so who ever it is practice telling the truth and maybe some day it will take root in you andyou can feel the greatest feeling in the world to be trusted at least 1 guy should get the truth always try it you can always go back to lying if u dontlike being trusted!
Didn't think you would be bothered by even wanting to be trusted you must like the way your character is now and don't want it to change many people haveyou figured out already but what do u care?
Your phone is charged by now but u still busy fuck n buddie I spoke well fine u don't reply to any topic un less the topic is on your mind fuck would think u would want to think of your kids but I no act like it never answer on fine I go no worries have fun with buddie and have a nice day....
I've not listened to your voice mails don't think I want to so......why u got to be such a......
Find your way back days later fuck that! U can find the shit all over town I shouldn't do anything with u cuz too much to handle as it is
Using buddies phone cool
See ya then😎
More proof ur crszy
Fuck n,A bitch u really can say that with a straight face u know ur wrong
Fine I cared enuf to let u know whsts going on
U secret top secret buddies drinking staying else where u didn't even want to be here u call me liar abd5nivger
Fuck you
See ya then player grl friend
U saved him in your cunt
Goodbye looser bitch fuck buddie equipped
Alit claim it smelly hole u play around alit
Good luck slut
But you too crazy to listen to what a pig bitch sorry ass MF
U already are no need to show goodbye nigger
Goodbye crazy bitch
Ready when u are
Do me CV like u did u? What? Feed u smoke u bye u smokes dog food feed yr kids u can't even wipe cache yr ass how can u going to do all that CV for me? Rest the CV case dirt bag
Y you lie your feet stink to mama dresses u funny and ur granny wears Arny scivy drawers
Who ever this is you got wrong number
Cheater? Wrong again that's you l! I ain't been with no 1 crazy ass, lazy ass punk freak
Whatever excuse you want to use for leaving to fuck buddies that too is up to you your choice truths will always come out that's a given
It's not Joe dick it's my dick
12 hot line #rs to make sure you get em all
Hello... ?
You must be busy
Just another email account for prey not knowing rite or wrong likes it this way changes the key changes the song who was i to say or stay.
You fool there is no one! Wtf is wrong with you?
You bitch fuck you you will fucking pay for your false advertising me check in face fuck fuck you fab up all the bullshit you want you will eventually pay for it all dumb ass lying stealing cheat bitch
U sick demented bitch stories never end with u fuck u I did nothing to you but refuse to get yelled at leave me alone syco slut
You don't know nothing about love so shut the fuck up lay it on buddie you bitch
Leave me alone you the liar and thief you s cheat bitch too fuck u leave me alone
You and your thousand numbers ur sick bitch good fucking byeeeeee
Fuck u jerk syco demented bitch
I dare you to be real who you doin now?' jerm or some Budi with shit u can't be real cuz u fake bitch Dean again?
Ya thought so! Back to what you do best.... Leap frog, you so fake the end,.!!!! And it's "coming...."
You can't help that you crazy, but you can control with who and where to release your destructive un just fuct ways.... Acting b4 U know the real deal considering like always
I did no such thing your fucking crazy
And some day yr lame ass will also see u took shit and spite full shit way beyond fucking fuck information fuck b u don't know shit u had no rite to do 90% or more of the shit you done like I don't know like u don't it's lame and faulty in just non deserving period I did nothing but fucking help u and u shit on me every time I hate u for that and hate myself even more fuck you!
For ever letting it happen so fucking many times what a fucking player dirt bag style
And u love it how fucking evil is that?
One thing for sure if you still fucking with my phone and with face fuck after all u done already then i will spend the remaining life I have fucking yours up I mean that I will die to bring you down not what I want to do but will if you still.....!!!! Fucking with me idk why u feel the need to do anything after all the un just shit u done already but your choice! as it is u been way fuct up on your view of what's fare cuz u simply don't know wrong from wright anything more from you and you have got a battle to the death.... Period.
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