Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
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Make sure to read my first two chapters first.
So here I am third period I have approximately five minutes and thirty-five seconds until I have to go to (JJS). I sigh and lean heavily on my left arm. I still don't think I belong in (JJS) but there's nothing I can do about it. What's really been on my mind all day is my mom, yesterday after she picked me up we went straight home she didnt talk to me the entire ride, she wouldn't even look at me. Whenever i said something she'd just shake her head, smile or give me a two worded answer. When we got home she acted like she didn't just practically ignore me for fourty-five minutes. Not to long after we got home, Sirius and his mom *Kyha* got home. While Mom and Kyha worked on getting dinner ready, Sirius and I fold laundry and watch tv in the living room. We talk about our days, mine was obviously worse than his.
"Wow so you went to the office not once but twice today and your still breathing." He seemed shocked as he cracked a joke about my mom's temper. "Yea, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she didn't even scream my name." Sirius looks at me dumbfounded "Do you mean to tell me she didn't even yell? But that's kinda your mom's thing." I nod my head in agreement "I think she scarred me more by not yelling, I was expecting to get the full blow as soon as we got home but nothing not even a lecture." He seems worried now "Do you think she's okay? I mean I've never heard the great Juliet Mathews not yelling. Im pretty sure she still holds the record for most screaming." We both laugh and continue to fold. I finish my pile, scoop the clothes into my arms and shuffle into my bedroom. As I put the clothes away I wonder if my mom is gonna be alright because as much as I love my mom she yells about everything even if she's not angry. I finish that and head back out to help Sirius but to my surprise he's done. We eat dinner and talk about our days and once more as I suspected mine was by far the worst.
I stand up and move with the crowd into the hallway, were an even bigger crowd awaits me. I go straight upstairs and dont look at anyone until I enter room 301. Then I lift my head to find an empty seat with the least amount of people around it but instead i lock eyes with a familiar face, Grayson. 'What's he doing here?' I want to scream but manage to keep it in my head for the time being. He's sitting alone in the back corner of the room closest to the window but I I turn and walk down the first aisle. There's a big group of black wearing, desk top sitting, delinquents in the next row. They're yelling at eachother excitedly, one turns and looks at me. She's wearing some red but mostly black. Black boots, black fishnet tights, black shorts, and a red shirt. It's actually really cute it matches her equally black hair and make-up, except for her bright red lipstick. The girls gets a confused look on her face it must be the blue jeans, gray sweatshirt and cross necklace, I decided to wear today. I thought the cross would protect me from harm. I think I might have been wrong until the girl smiles at me, jumps off her desk, and stands right in front of me extending her hand. I smile and shake her hand.
"I'm Vicky Benet." She says through pretty white teeth, "But you can call me Vic, or red, doesn't matter which."
I smile, she's so friendly I can't help it. "My names Harley Mathews. Of course u could always call me Harls or Jinx it also doesn't matter. " "Jinx?" She has a questionable look on her face. "Yea, let's just say I'm not the luckiest person." She grins "Ok, Jinx. How about you give me you number we can hang sometime, cool?" I do my best to hide my smile, a friend? I even told her about my bad luck and she doesn't care. "Cool." I say as We switch phones I put my number in her phone and she puts hers in mine, then she goes back to her group. I glance over at Grayson and our eyes meet, he smiles shyly, I look away as fast as possible. It can't be that I have a crush, can it? All the signs point to it, my racing heart, red face, and shaky hands. I try not to look over at him for the rest of the class. Mrs. Goodrich, gives us three lectures at the begining of class then hands us a big packet, the first page is just a bunch of school rules, the second is a list of laws, the third, fourth, and fifth are activities to help us remember them. I look at the clock its 2:41, four minutes until dismissal. I glance back over at Grayson, I can't believe my eyes he's doing the work. He's so focused, he looks so calm and collected, like he's been here before. He looks over at me and smiles. I realize I'm starring, my face feels hot. I smile like an idiot, then I look back down at my papers,pick up my pencil, and dlip to the third page just in time for the bell to ring. I put my stuff away as fast as I can, which apparently isn't fast enough. I toss my bag over my shoulder, stand up, and come face to face with a dark haired boy.
"Hey, Harley right?" He looks as nervous as I feel "Yea, and your Grayson." He smiles at the sound of his name, i can feel my face turning red for the millionth time. "So I know this might sound sudden but could I possibly get your number?" I didn't think it was possible but does he like me too? "Oh, um sure here let me see your phone." He looks hesitant but unlocks his phone and hands it to me. I can now see why, his home screen is full of pictures of witches and wizards from my favorite movies, which also happens to be my favorite series of books. 'Harry Potter' by J.K. Rowling, a British novelist. I smile and look at him he looks away nervously. I pull out my phone and show him my home screen which is my house 'Ravenclaw' he seems to relax. I give him my phone and we put our numbers in, swap back and stand there for a few seconds not really looking at eachother until he says "Well, i guess ill text you." I smile "Yea." He smiles, i cant believe how beautiful his smile is. "Ok, I'm gonna go cause my mom will kill me if I miss the bus." I snicker and he smiles again "I better get home too. It was nice talking to you." "Same here." He says while smiling. We walk into the hall, where only a few people still remain. we smile at eachother one last time then part down the hallway, I turn left and he turns right. Before i turn to go up the stairs I look over my should and see him walking down the hall still, then he does something unexpected he turns and looks over his shoulder too, I turn and run up the stairs, 'maybe he does like me after all.' I think to myself i smile until i get to the car, if I don't stop now my mom will ask me why I look like I just got four free plane tickets to Hawaii and I don't want to explain to her why I look so stupid. When I open the car door though, I don't see my mom's beautiful brown hair. I see Kyha, she looks like she's been crying when she sees me she gets this look on her face like she's gonna have to tell me something I'm not gonna like. "Kyha? What's wrong, are you ok?" She sighs then says "oh sweetie I'm so sorry. It's your mom, shes in the hospital." I feel like ive juat been hit with a train then dropped into the middle of the ocean, I can't breath. My legs feel like jello and my head is spinning. "Kyha, What happened to my mom." I demand "Honey, please get in the car." "Kyha!" I shout "I'm not moving from this spot until you tell me what happened." She looks down at the steering wheel and sniffs "We don't know, she just passed out and hit her head hard. She's in a coma . We need to get to the hospital now. Sirius is with her but I want you to be there When she wakes up." My head is still spinning, I look at the ground and say "You mean if she wakes up." I can feel the wave of tears coming, My heart aches and my vision blurs, I think I need to sit down but before I know it my legs give in and I'm on the ground. I hear Kyhas voice but I can't understand her, then the light around me fades.
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Have a nice day!
The end