It's Within Us.. Read Count : 110

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Self Help

What you sow, so as you reap,is what we all came across. But we just considered it as a saying and thereby ignored.We all are facing victories and tragedies right, and thinking it's nature. Maybe it could... But, Psychology says, What you think is what you become.Every exposure of our actions depends on what we think.So I'd like to tell to realise your thoughts first.And then analyse your thoughts.There s a grip point named control.. You are the one and only person who have the grip controller on you.lets imagine how we would be ,during  the hurting of our opponents harsh words.. we just become nervous  and thinking of those tragic things that happened that day right.Now capture, what changed you from your path??, obviously that opponent words .. So by receiving those words we are doing ( feeling) something apart from our official work.Then why can't we change in a motivated direction by giving importance to good words and thoughts, and change ourself?Everything is in our control, so nothing can go beyond our grip but only if we hold.So hold and direct your thoughts  good for a bright future.


  • I love it, great job! :) :)

    Jan 30, 2019

  • Vengat Smart

    Vengat Smart


    Jun 11, 2019

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