Guns And Spirituality: A Controversy? Read Count : 116

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Spirituality

I am a spiritual gun enthusiast. 

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

 I’m going to try to explain why it is not. 

A good deal may find this to be quite controversial. 

That’s understandable coming from someone who hasn’t yet fully opened their mind to new things. Things that make little or no sense to you, or things unknown to us, are scary. We mostly fear death because we don’t know what’s becoming of us, what happens after our bodies die? 

As humans, our nature is in seeing to believe—we have to see it to believe it. We can’t possibly know for certain if there is life after, until we die. That’s why we must be open-minded to other unknown things. 

Everybody has their own beliefs and whatever makes them feel happy and secure. We shouldn’t reject someone for wanting to be happy and secure. And Today, having a gun on me makes me feel secure. 

The idea that guns and spirituality don’t mix is like thinking art and violence are incompatible, or love and death. It’s like saying karate is not an art. The way they combine is the stuff of art, literature, music—for that matter, spirituality. I am a human being who is a participant in nature rather than a tourist. Although the act of hunting merges with nature’s essence, which is respectably a sacred experience to some, I do not use guns to kill. 

I carry one solely for the art and discipline of gun handling and shooting and being protected in random spontaneous acts of violence that are becoming more prevalent with the repression of today’s society. 

It’s sad to think about but it’s the truth. There are evil, demonic energies in the world. They even exist inside every one of us. 

I believe everyone has a demon inside them. It’s that resisting voice that comes to you in the morning with the illusion saying, “You don’t have to get up, just go back to sleep. You don’t need this job.” 

But then your warrior Self comes out, ready to fight, spitting reality at you. “Yeah Mutha fucka, you do need this job, so get yo goofy ass up and get goin!” However, for some people, their warrior voice is not enough because they don’t believe in it thus taking away its power. 

That inner daemon knows more about you than you do and it knows what to say to get to you. Keep your warrior Self strong and healthy. Give it a gun LOL. 

Ultimately, you can believe whatever you choose that makes you happy and secure. It’s my spirituality that makes me happy and my Glock 23 that makes me feel secure and able to protect my loved ones. 

What do you think?


  • that is the true nature of spirituality and the warrior way. That is your true self so i agree with you on all that brother.

    Oct 01, 2018

  • awesome

    May 12, 2019

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