Leap Of Faith Read Count : 156

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
  Hey, please don't Judge this Piece...My Life right now, it might be yours.

Some friendship I need to give up on, 
                                                               but I just really don't want to let go
Annoying people I need to forgive, 
                                                                  but they don't deserve it
Families I need to please, 
                                                                  but they don't observe all these 
Relationship I need to build, 
                                                                 but they feel so unreal to fluid 
Things I need to say, 
                                                         but they sound so awkward by-the way 
Places I need to go, 
                                                          but, they aren't global I might not glow
Times I need to be right, 
                                                        but, it all seem wrong even at midnight 
Disappointment I need to accept, 
                                                        but, can't still believe them, I can tell 
My energy and build ups, 
                                                        but, they called it team-works
Lights I thought I brightened,  
                                                       but, it has become so darkened 
Mistakes I was sure not to make, 
                                            but, It's happening all of a sudden like a break
Money, which I was sure to be making, 
                                        but, my account balance is blinking & fluctuating 
Believe me I saw a perfect life, 
                                    but, I guess it's all in the making, including my wife 
My life is on a street called shaking,
                                    but, that was the path not desirable but available 
Now, there is only one transportation left for me,
                                but, it's the one thing we all hate, a leap of faith 

                                                   ~Ekere Goodluck~


  • @ngelo f@irchild III

    @ngelo F@irchild III


    Jun 11, 2017

  • Jun 11, 2017

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