Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
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I've never been the lucky one. I've always been the one whose shoes suddenly tie themselves together, or the one whos sturdy chair leg breaks without warning. This instant karma is what gave me the nick name Jinx. I've only got one friend in the entire world and his name is Sirius. We've been friends for as long as i can remember. See his mom and my mom were best friends in high school, so when they both got pregnant (at the young age of 17)at the same time. They moved in together, since neither one of their boyfriends (our fathers) wanted the responsibilies of a baby. Sirius and I were raised together, we're like brother and sister. I was born first on July 13th at three am. Max was born two hours later.
My mom named me Harley Quinn Mathews... funny Right? Well my mom seems to think so, when I get in trouble she screams 'HARLEY QUINN' as loud as she possibly can (very loud). If we're in a public place, everyone stares and i just kinda smile my way through it. I can't seem to escape from my bad luck no matter where I go. However I still like to think my name isn't as bad as 'Sirius Fate dupe' (for those who don't know dupe means deceive or trick, but that's Sirius' name.) People from school call him joker though, they think its funny because we are always together. We all still live together, which seems to keep their bond with each other strong still to this day. Sirius and I have our own little bond, we playfully hit, tease, and possibly flirt with each other and our moms have noticed, they torment us all the time. We just awkwardly laugh along, like it doesn't bother us but deep down it's sort of ruining our friendship.
Today is the last day of school before winter break, so this has been the longest day of my entire life. I'm running down the hall to fourth period, Art. I normally enjoy Art but today I am 10 minutes late. How? You ask. It started with my locker not opening. Tragic...right? yes! I did put in the correct combination and Yes! I did try to kick it open. Which landed me in the office, oh you wanna know how I managed to do that? Apparently kicking your locker makes a lot of noise and apparently noise draws too much attention, too much unwanted attention. Attention from the principle himself, thats right Mr. Garder. Who better to deal with the Jinx kicking her locker. So there's about 2 minutes of my time waisted, then add that to the time I spent getting lectured in the hallway, then to the time I sat in the waiting room while Mr. Garder had a nice little chat with my mom about my disruptive behavior. I can hear my mom now...
"HARLEY QUINN!!!!" she shouts in her high pitched voice that makes my ears ring. I shudder my mom's voice is like nails on a chalk board. Except I think I'd rather take the nails and shove them into my ears till they start bleeding, rather then listen to my mom's screaming. Man, am I gonna get the lecture of a life time when I get home. 'Maybe ill just go straight to the library when I get off the bus.' I thought, I could stay there until my mom goes to work. But then I'd just be hearing about it tomorrow, on my day off. 'No thanks!' I decided. It's not worth spending the entire day cleaning and getting yelled at I'd rather just relax and take my punishment today.
I finally make it to Art. When I open the door and walk in I hurry to my seat, thank goodness it's in the back of the class. I gently set my books down and take my seat. The teacher, who was already yelling at the class when I walked in continues to yell as if he didn't even notice I was there. 'What luck.' I think as i quickly pull out my sketch book and my pencil. However my luck is short lived.
"Harley, Do you want to explain to the class why your ten minutes late for class?"
I can feel my face getting redder by the second, I should be used to public humiliation but I'm not sure a person can get use to it in only one life time. So I respond "I'm very sorry sir, i have a note. I just wanted to wait until you finished your lecture... i mean speach."
He seemed semi-shocked, semi-grateful and semi-angry. "Miss. Mathews. It's was not a lecture nor was it a speech. It was a dignified... uh... well I suppose it was actually sort of both..." all of a sudden he got this really mortified, angry, confused look on his face. Which I personally think are to many emotions for one person to handle, they should just pick one.
I change my mind they shouldn't choose just one. Who knows what you get for confusing your teacher and disrupting multiple classes all in one day? That's right you guessed it *Detention*.
So here I am sitting in the office again while Mr.Garder has another chat with what must be a very furious mom. Well there goes my phone and my tv privileges for a month. 'Ugh, why does this always happen to me?' I wonder feeling sorry for myself. Just then I hear the clicking noise of the secretarys heels *click* *click* *click* she enters the waiting area with a boy quick at her heels, he seems to be my age but I've never seen him before. He has medium Length black hair, with piercing blue eyes. I'm surprised at his dashing looks, he's wearing a charcoal gray sweatshirt. He has his hood up and his hands buried his pockets.
"Wait here Grayson." She demands. She turns on her heel and knocks at the door. "Come in." Mr.Garder shouts, she enters and the boy turns to me, he gives me this *I'm guilty grin* and I can feel my face Dresden for the second time today. He shuffles over all confidently, like he didn't just get dragged into the office by a lady no older then thirty-five.
He looks me up and down, I swallow, hard. I'm wearing a yellow crop top, ripped blue jean shorts with black fishnet tights and black boots. I'm kinda going through a rebellious phase right now and this outfit practically screams *I love bad boys*. I can see now that this outfit was a bad idea. He finishes eyeing me and sits down on the couch right beside me, he's so close I can feel his body heat. He puts his arms up on the back of the couch and leans in close to my ear *I can't move, He has me pushed up against the arm of the couch.* and whispers "What are you in here for, girly?" Normally that would sound creepy but the way he said it makes me melt. I turn towards him and for a split second our faces are so close we basically breath the same air. My heart is racing but my body won't move. We just sit there face to face, starring into each others eyes until the door opens and Mr.Garders secretary *Mrs.Jones* steps out, she looks at us but Grayson doesn't seem to notice or he just doesn't care. He just stares into my eyes.
He says "Hmm." then he backs away slowly, keeping my gaze. He looks baffled, I know I look like a tomato but why does he look so confused. He's pale now, when he walked in he was a bit tan. I wonder if hes a little embaraced too.
"Miss Harley? You may go in." I look at her and finally break our connection but I can feel his eyes on me when I pick my bag up off the floor, sling it over my shoulder and stand up. I confirm this when I turn my head just enough to see him watching my every move, as I enter through the doorway. One last time our eyes meet, then Mrs.Jones shuts the door behind us.
I see Mr. Garder sitting at his desk, he motions for me to sit. I do, then he begins his lecture what he thinks is gong on with me
"... what I'm trying to say Harley is that I don't know what's going on with you but I want to find out. Normally you're such a well behaved, respectful student. However you've been in here twice in less than an hour. I can't help but feel a little disappointed."
'Is he finished?' I wonder, I open my mouth to say something but quickly close it when he opens his to say "so I'm putting you in the juvenile justice system."
"What?" I'm shocked. The Juvenile Justice System (JJS) is a class that Mr.Garder set up last year for students who misbehave, i obviously do not belong in that class but I can see in Mr.Garders eyes that his mind is set and he's not in the mood for negotiation.
"I'm sorry Harley but it's what's best for you. I've already spoken to your mom and she's agreed to let us put you in there instead of Art, she's just as worried as I am. I've agreed to let you take the rest of the day off, your mom's on her way now. So be ready, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you Mr.Garder." I say looking at the ground. I think I might cry or maybe scream, so I get out of there as fast as possible. Mrs. Jones walks me out and tells me to have a seat on the couch and wait. She looks at Grayson *who's complexion seems to have went back to normal.* and tells him he may have to wait for a few more minutes, she looks him straight in the eyes and says 'No funny business.' that's what she said 'No funny business.' Then shut the door. Grayson doesn't even look in my direction, for the rest of the time we sit there in silence, until I see my mom walk into the main office. She looks around until she spots me, she speed walks towards me and I'm waiting for her to scream my name. Oh no, not in front of Grayson please, no! I scream in my head. When she reaches me she doesn't look angry she looks concerned. "Are you okay baby doll?" She asks her voice sounds like she's been crying but other then that you'd never know because she's wearing so much make-up. She doesn't need it, my mom's a head Turner without it but she must not have wanted people to know she was crying. I wonder why she was crying though, I wasn't in an accident I was misbehaving. Is she really that disappointed?
My mom looks at Grayson and her eyes widen. I look over, he's starring at me.
Read my other chapters of Jinxed At Birth...π
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Have a nice day!
The end.