WHERE'S THE LOVE? Read Count : 118

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Having love in your life is more like a prize. Once you have it, it's hard to give it up. It makes you feel good about yourself, makes you feel special and wanted, makes you happy and needed. The I love you's, your mine's, I'll take care of you and for you's. The cuddles, love and affection shown in a relationship, it's all what us humans want, is to be loved.

BUT, then it's taken and destroyed, by hate, cheating, lies, taken for granted. Then we feel unwanted, not needed, no longer happy or feel special, no longer feel good about yourself. It doesn't make sense. Everyone I know, talked to, observed, all want love, but in the end, we take it from ourselves, not just others. When you cheat, you're taking the opportunity of someone feeling wanted but you're also cheating yourself out of real love. When you lie you're destroying your own chance of a trustworthy relationship. When you take someone for granted and no longer have that grant, you have nothing. We destroy our own chance of happiness. Our choices change the paths we want to take. 

- Jahaan Abdullah 


  • Sep 27, 2018

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