THE SLAYER Read Count : 102

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

He didn’t have to look. He knew it was still there waiting for him to come out. He stayed right where he was, biding his time. Being so close to the volcano, it’s deathly hot in this cave. He’s uncomfortable in his clothes, drenched from his sweat. His heart is racing, anxious for the thing waiting for him outside.
“Zhon,” the creature called out to him. A voice loud and intimidating.
“You would be a coward, zhon? You’re not the hero I’d heard the many stories of.”
“He’s right,” Zhon thought to himself, “I’m no dragon slayer.”
He was a story teller. A liar who made himself to be something he was not. All to impress a village girl, and now the whole village looked to him to rid them of this cursed dragon.
“Oh I’ve killed many a dragon with only my dagger,” the dragon bellowed, mocking Zhon, “Come fight me with your little ‘pocket knife’,” the beast sneered.
Zhon’s hand went to the handle of his dagger, gripping it as he considered the situation.
“Desiree,” said the dragon. “Is that her name? The girl in the village? She would make a tasty dragon meal! And the rest of Philios for desert!”
His heart raced even more, but this time, it was the pent up anger inside of him. Taking his dagger in hand, he raced to the cave entrance. He looked at the dragon, trying to look into his yellow eyes.
“You dare to threaten my village!?”
“Oh ho,” the dragon sneered, “The little man come to fight me,” his voice dripping with sarcasm and mockery.
With as much force as he could, Zhon thrust his dagger upward, sinking the blade into the dragon’s stomach. The dragon doubled over, holding onto his stomach.
“Oh that hurts! Oh! Ooh!”
The dragon then stood up laughing a low evil laugh.
“Is that the best you can do, little man?”
“You arrogant little lizard! You’re starting to PISS ME OFF!! Go pick on a dragon your own size”
“Huh? My own size, you say?” With a snap of his pointy clawed fingers, the dragon brought himself down to the same height as Zhon
So, the beast can shrink himself? Hmmm.
“Now that’s a pretty cool trick,” Zhon coyly remarked. “Can you get even smaller?”
“I can indeed,” the dragon said proudly, “And it’s not a ‘trick’”
Zhon crossed his armed challenging, “I bet you can’t!”
The dragon, getting frustrated, snapped his fingers once again making himself as small as a elf.
“Any old dragon can be elf size,” Zhon challenged. Kneeling to look the dragon in the eyes, “How about as small as a pixie.”
Kneeling straight up, hand on his hip.
“I bet you can’t,” he challenged.
The dragon crossed his arms and snubbed his pointed nose, “I could if I wanted to.”
“Nope,” countered Zhon, “You can’t”
The dragon so angry, “How do you dare challenge me so?”
Having something to prove, the dragon snapped his pointed fingers, shrinking himself to the size of even a cockroach.
“Now I’ve got you, you nuisance of a dragon!”
Before the dragon could react, The side of the blade of Zhon’s dagger came down quickly, flattening the tiny dragon.
And that is how Zhon, the Dragon Slayer slew his first dragon.


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