Justice Read Count : 121

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

It was near dusk, cold winter blow from north. Turned into a mesh snow from the day’s warmth was starting to freeze again.
His shoes crunched on the thin ice while he was walking at west to the subway station. This time he was on foot, he thought he would be faster. These hours’ big boulevards were full of people going home after work.
Mike was walking with hands hidden at the pockets of his long black coat, watching at his feet. He was thinking how good is to see everything, every small detail. Like the grains ice on his shoes, small pools with melted snow, curved tiles on the sidewalk. Just a few months ago he was thinking he would stay completely blind, he still remembers the feeling of fear and darkness around him.
Mike heard steps behind him and moved to the right side of the sideway to make a pass for those who were behind him. He found his phone at his pocket and checked the time, Chester probably was already home with his kid.

At the next moment he stagger and his forehead hit the wall of the building on his left. The paint was gross and left dents on his face, skin was cut and bleeding, grit were left at the wounds. Without knowing how he fell on the ground, already there he felt pain. He tried to stand up, then a strong hand grabbed his coat and shakes him so hard that his teeth start jingle.
“Where is the money? Start talking right now!” barked rude male voice over his head.
“He is rich, look at his clothes…”
“Take his phone.”
“Where are the money, I’ll fill your brain with lead!”
Mike realized what was happening when a pair of guns pointed at his head. He raised his hands wondering if it’s a good time to start worry now.
At the thickening darkness he saw that men were big, he wasn’t their size no matter how good he could fight. They were wearing masks, one of them – the bigger one, had long hair hidden under his mask.
He couldn’t say or do anything, to agree or to resist, he felt cutting pain when the foot of the big one reached his abdomen, and Mike bound on two.
He could feel the pain, the cold stone he was lying on, the dirty snow on his face. He couldn’t realize, but the wet thing on his forehead was blood.
Those rough hands started tearing buttons from his coat, rummaging at his pockets, he tried to oppose and one of them hit him at the teeth with a force that turned his head to the other side. Mike gave up on fighting.
“You have only five hundred? Seriously? Richie boy have only five hundred!?
The taller one spit against him.
“Check for a credit card.”
One of the cars driving on the road threw a light on them, nobody stopped.

Just at the same moment something ran around them and the big man who was about eighty kilos just flew like he was full with hot air. He hit the wall and fell on the ground a few meters from where Mike was laying, who did not dare even to close his mouth which was filling with blood. He didn’t know what was happening before the second aggressor’s skull smashed against the same wall.
First time. Second time. At the third time slimy red mash stretch between his head and the wall. And it was the second one’s turn.
The big one was standing and his eyes running at one point to another in fear. He mumbled something when two hands grabbed him with s force and lifted him in the air.
“You came here to hunt, huh?” he could hear the low growl; two bright red eyes stare at him. “This is my territory. And the man you attacked is my friend. Now this will be my justice.”
Vampire’s hands clenched around the neck of the hanging in the air man, nails started breaking into his flesh symmetrically from the both sides. Blood scatter, the man started screaming and struggle, but his executor didn’t stop until the nails met at the basis of the spine like scissors. His head almost rip off, before the crippled body fell with nasty sound on the ground.
Michael was watching the black shadow coming for him, then a hand reached and helped him rise up. Alex lifted him with the ease he broke the men, put a hand under his head and left that place with him.


  • Sep 25, 2018

  • Beautiful

    Sep 25, 2018

  • Sep 25, 2018

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