Category : Articles
Sub Category : Politics
Im not good with people. I can't stand to be surrounded in them or forces to talk to people I dont know. I'm not like that around my girlfriend, I try to open myself up and not hold back because she won't judge when anyone else would. People are selfish, needy bastards most of the time. We can't help that. I know you hate alot of people to and I don't blame you. People suck. No one can stop that. It's been set in motion for too long. Starting with sin in the garden of Edon leading up to racism and slavary. I'm tired of this shit. There are school shootings every other day. Black people are being killed and beaten for no reason while white cops are getting away with murder. Then Donald Trump, an egotistical, unqualified, retard get put in charge of running the government and waging war. He's all ready started trade wars with 4 country, one of those being Canada. Like how do you start a war with someone like them. They're so peaceful. Americans are the worst of my social issues. They're obise, rude, and stupid. This isn't all Americans by the way but 84% atleast. If I run away with my girlfriend were getting out of this country.