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After noticing a significant increase in stories, I have to say I've become disgusted. If you listen to the news, you might have heard stories from parents who have lost children who have come out as gay. The problem I see sometimes though is the fact the child came out. This talk about encouraging children come out has one serious flaw. The referencing to being gay means having a sexual attraction to the same sex. Now I want you to think about this for a moment, because do you honestly believe in 8 year old would have a sexual attraction? I would have to ask the parents what the hell is wrong, if an eight year old is wanting to go around having sex. I implore you to continue reading, because I intend to explain several important facts.
A lot of people don't like to talk about these kinds of issues, but sometimes it's necessary for people to realize not to let them push these kind of stories for political motivation. You're probably wondering what the major flaw is I'm referring to is. In young children, it's common for boys at a young age to spend times with both sexes in the classroom and playing around on the playground. There's nothing wrong with this at this stage.
The next stage is where it gets interesting, as typical boys will stay with boys around the age of eight and girls will stay around girls at this age. There is nothing unusual about this, it's a natural attraction at this age, often created by the fear of not understanding the other sex. There is nothing wrong with this, and it doesn't mean they should come out as gay. The reason most children at this age think they're gay, it's because of this attraction and the media information they're hearing about gays. Here's the problem, they're too young to understanding what gay means.
Honestly I don't really believe Gay exists. It is often created from ideology and prejudice labeling. You're probably wondering what I mean by Prejudice labeling, which is the most common cause of gays. We need to be very careful sometimes, because when we say something to someone it can really affect them. Prejudice labeling, is a form of labeling caused by prejudice. In this case it's gender-related prejudiced label and which lies in the problem. We often assume that certain genders are good at specific attributes and bad at others. An example of this would be a boy being good at athletics, and a girl being good at the arts.
It is often because of these labelings that make us believe we are different. I know this is a difficult subject to talk about, and some of you may feel a little disgruntled by what I'm saying. I want to let you know there's nothing wrong with being different, because in my youth I always knew I was different. Don't assume, I'm gay because I'm actually not. I had started to believe this in my youth, because I was good at writing which is a form of art. The art with using words.I wasn't that great at sports, but I'm handicapped. So what!? That doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing something great. It's often due to bullying, which causes people to believe in something. That or they're easily manipulated into believing something that may not necessarily be true about themselves.
You're probably asking yourself well than how do I know I am really gay. If this isn't an ideology, I would have to say the most likely time of learning this would be when you hit puberty. Particularly for males, because sexual attraction does generally occur until after they've reached puberty. Can females reach puberty earlier, I would have to say it would be about the same age as males. This is when your emotions reach their breaking point, leading to the great wilderness known as the teenage years. You will notice your physical attractions during this time, which would be the only sensible way of knowing if you really think you are.
I can guess how awkward you as a parent would feel having your son or daughter coming out at a young age. You feel the need for supporting them or turning on them because you don't feel comfortable. There is another solution though, which would be more effective in preventing them from believing this. Tell your son and daughter what I've mentioned, about puberty and the fact they can't actually know what it means until they feel their first attractions. Over 97% of the time, it is the opposite sex which attracts the male or female teenager. Awesome, some people may turn to the gay ideology because they've always been unhappy with their opposite sex companion. I hope all parents think about when I first mentioned in this article, and realize that sometimes children are misled into believing things that aren't necessarily true.
Before I finish this article, I'm sorry if I've made any parents who've lost their children that may have committed suicide to feel badly. Certainly it is a horrible tragedy that you have to suffer this kind of pain. You should understand though, a child coming out as gay might not necessarily be factual. As a parent, I want you to think about the fact that your son or daughter may not have actually been gay. And they are using your story to push their own ambitions. This is disrespectful both to you and your child's memory. Yes I want to encourage you to fight against bullying, because it's one of the most common causes of mistaken identity. Please do not assume though just because your 8 year old was gay just because he or she said so. Mistaken identity at this age he's very common. My heart goes out to the families who have suffered because of this loss.
Landon, you did it again, stirring shit up and opening cans of worms 😀 Not being disrespectful to anyone, I once had a conversation with two gay women. I asked them point blank when they first discovered they were gay and how. One woman said she discovered when she was 4 years old when she had accidentally brushed her hand against an adult woman's breast and she felt a stirring of desire. The other woman said she discovered at the age of 6 because she was surrounded by a majority female household. I was speechless. Why? Coz what does a 4 year old child know about desire? As for the other woman who claimed that she discovered she waz gay at 6 years old simply because she was living in a house of mainly females? Both stories didn't make sense to me. So i went to speak to a doctor who was my aunt, just to confirm the legitimacy of their claims. What she told me was that gay is actually a behavioral matter that can be triggered by many factors with social environment being one of them. When one is influenced into believing they are gay, they will believe they are gay and will start living that lifestyle. The longer they go on with their believe, the possibility of them wanting to switch or find out for sure is really slim as they are already comfortable being in that skin. Again, it's a matter of choice. For me personally, if you are happy with whoever you are, rock on! 💜
Sep 23, 2018