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Sub Category : Spirituality
You know I often pity the atheists have trouble understanding spirituality and faith. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Does a parent's love not exist? Anytime in the Atheist or Christian clashes, it can be a bloody fights as far as being verbal goes. The truth is though, atheists like the understanding that faith is something you feel. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's no different than the feeling of love you feel for someone, such as a spouse or child. It's no different than the feeling of grief whenever you lose someone close to you. Faith is an inner strength you feel, the strength that tells you there is something more to this world.
I believe I was fated to become a writer, because I have always had a knack for storytelling. They don't believe in fate, they believe in the fact that they control their own fate. This is true, but this doesn't simply mean that you weren't meant to do something special. One act of kindness can go a long way. I have mentioned a few stories of my own life, even though it's been rather short. My faith in myself has rewarded me with understanding something that few people could. It's difficult to explain but I learned there is more to this world. There's more than what Christians even know as of now.
Atheists claim they believe in science, however, who is to say that this was not the Creator's will. The gift of knowledge is a special one, one that we can use to either help heal or destroy mankind. Faith is no different than knowledge. They claim they believe in the facts, but who's to say that they only believe in the facts because that's what they're made to believe? I don't simply go around attacking atheists, like atheists attack me for being Christian. If they don't want to believe in something, that's fine it's not my responsibility to give them faith. Faith is something you have to understand on your own.
The funny thing about this is that I don't think an atheist can understand true love. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't they just tell me that they don't believe in anything they can't see. So is it impossible for someone to fall in love with someone else, and live a happy life together even if they're suffering? I've met people who have been in this situation, and it amazes me the strength of their faith and love. How you can survive some of the hardest times, with those closest to you is made of Faith and Love. Without these two things, you can only fail to survive these challenges put forth to you.
You might ask me why I pity them rather than hate or dislike them. It's because they don't understand the difference between knowing something exists and seeing something that exists. Though my belief is somewhat different from what Christian's believe I know there are hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered. There's something I believe, that maybe everyone should think about. If we were made in God's image, and God takes us to heaven then why does our body stay here? There's an answer for this question if you think around the question. There's no evidence in the Bible stating God is a physical being. God has never appeared before someone, but those that serve him have. So how are we all God's children? This also explains this same question. God is not the physical being but an aetherial one coma with the ability to take many shapes and forms. It is not simply a male or female, but one all-powerful entity able to be all of these things.
So back to the question why our body remains here and how we enter Heaven. This stumps a lot of people, but the answer is quite simple actually. As I've mentioned before, God is an aetherial being, and if God created us that means we all have an aetherial part inside us. This is how we were made in God's image. Science want you to believe that we are complex creatures made up of millions of parts, but we are so much more than just moving parts. If we were just moving parts, we would not be able to understand emotions or care about what happened around us. We would not feel any kind of sensation or have any sense of smelling. We will not be able to discern the difference between tastes and sounds. We are so much more then just simple moving parts.
Delighlah H.
I think we all have our own opinions and our own reasons. Religion is a tough topic. At the end of the day, we're all the same and you should be what you want and respect others for what they are so long as they respect you. Religion, to me, is a placebo. It exists if you believe it exists, if you want it to exist. If being religious helps you, go for it! That's amazing! But never force your thoughts on others. I'm not saying this post forced anything on anyone, and educating people and giving them your thoughts is amazing. Just respect everyone and their opinions, and you're a good person in my eyes.
Sep 23, 2018
Religion has always been a very sensitive topic. There are those who accept it and there are those who don't. At the end of the day, it's a matter of choice. As a Muslim, i respect everyone regardless of their faith or choices. I will not try to force anyone to believe or accept my religion simply because religion is something you cannot force. I applaud you for writing this piece and for being honest with your thoughts. Is it a sensitive subject in my opinion? Yes. But i understand your need to write it. To explain and understand the unknown is not easy. What more to accept. But humans were created in such a way that we were all built with the right tools to make us functional. If we use the tools correctly, it is not impossible to deepen our knowledge of the unknown.
Sep 23, 2018