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It seems that the president of the United States seems to have forgotten how the people feel about him imprisoning children. In July, the president of the United States signed an executive order to stop the separation of immigrant children with their parents. There seems to be one major flaw in that executive order though, as he is not obeying it. From the time he signed executive order, over 1,500 children have been recorded to have been removed from their families on the border and over 400 of these children are reported missing now. I have to ask if this President really think they can continue to commit these atrocities?
I have to say, it's nothing unusual for him to use some type of distraction or lie to the people of the United States. I have to admit, he may not always lie but just because he tells the truth once in awhile doesn't mean we should stop taking action against him. Each citizen in the United States has a heart and their beliefs. Most of the average citizens, work every day and try to live what they normal lives. I have to be honest it's hard for me to understand how someone could be so cruel. Certainly I understand that these people are coming into the United States inappropriately. This does not give us the right to abuse them, and forced children to be taken away from their families and live with complete strangers.
I was infuriated when I heard one of the directors of the I.C.E agents make the excuse they didn't know it traumatized the children. This is a disgusting excuse, as they should have obviously known what would happen. This comes after some of the parents of the children that have been reunited decided to join together to press charges against President Donald Trump for ethics violations. Would you be happy as a child to be separated from your family? I could say, only a small percentage of Americans would say yes to do this question.
This isn't motivated by political meaning either, as this is simply about morality. As a boy, I was raised without the knowledge of knowing all of the despicable acts America has been responsible for. World War 2, Vietnam, and Desert Storm, America committed horrible atrocities during these wars. Unnecessary deaths, caused by poorly given orders without thinking about the cost. What is worse about this particular circumstance, is the fact that it's unnecessary for these orders to even exist. There are so many issues, that they seem to be ignoring most of them. Perhaps they may even be the cause of some of the problems we face today. I'm not referring to the immigrants, but the hatred created for the sole purpose of stopping them.
There are other ways of dealing with the immigrants, without unnecessarily harming them. Certainly we should be careful who we let into the United States, but that does not mean that we should harm everyone else in the process. The process is flawed, because the people that created it deliberately made it almost impossible to get into the United States. I implore my fellow citizens to look upon this as a warning that we will all be judged for someone else's crimes. But only if we do nothing about these crimes that are being committed right underneath our noses. The people in number have more power than those who think they control the board. Remember, if we work together to find a solution, that solution will surely come.
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