Those Who Have The Sight Read Count : 100

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller

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       I've been having these dreams, I get further and further every night. They started on my fifteenth birthday, last week.

         I'm walking down a dark cloudy street, I reach a divide in the road and stop. This part has happened since the first night I got the dream, so I'm ready for it. The only thing that changes is more and more people join the crowds each night. I look to my left and hear the scrawny woman scream. She's running towards me, fast. I look to my right and hear the muscular man shout "Everyone calm down!" Over and over again, he's walking. The woman and man are both opposite of eachother, not only in the street but in many other ways. That part is obvious, what I can't figure out is what it means. A crowd comes from the woman's side running, screaming, trampling over one another. Then I glance back over to the man's side his is more like a peaceful protest, everyone's walking in formation holding hands. They're too are chanting something over and over again but I can not understand them it's like all of a sudden I'm in a bubble sealed away from the rest of the world. When they reach the spot where I'm standing, they collide, all at once like the world is wreaking havoc. The peaceful protesters from the man's side still chanting but louder this time and the chaotic crowd from the woman's side still screaming but now they're punching their fists up in the air, then the woman hits the man and the entire crowd peaceful and chaotic start screaming, kicking and punching, no not punching throwing their fists at anything that is close enough to absorb the impact. A dark haired woman went to hit another, missed and punched the already broken street light. 

         One thing i did notice about all of these people, they're all so young they probably range anywhere from twenty to thirty five. All of them except an elderly woman with light gray hair and wrinkled fair skin, she appeared to be almost eighty years old. She was holding the hand of a young girl, maybe four or five years of age. 'This is no place for a little girl' I thought, the little girl looks so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on why. The elderly woman suddenly looks straight at me, almost like she knew I was there the entire time, she smiles. Her smile is so warm and comforting, I almost forget what is happening around me. She then looks at the little girl and says something I can't quite understand, I try to read her lips but my efforts are futile. The girl must have  understood because she shakes her head, gives the woman and Eskimo kiss then runs off away from the crowd and out of my sight. The woman watches her go, but once the girl is gone she turns her attention back to me, the crowd parts ways when they notice her and for a split second they stop fighting and all is right in the world once more, but once she reaches my side of the street the brawl starts back up, this time louder and I think I see blood on someone, I wonder who's blood it is but remember the woman who is standing patiently face to face with me with one hand in another in front of her, I turn my attention back to her and she mumbles something I can't understand..  again it's almost as if I'm trapped in a bubble of some sort. "What?" I shout, 'Can she hear me?' I wonder. We stare at each other for a few moments looking each other up and down. Then the old woman moves her arm up, clenches her fist and draws her arm back. Almost as if she were gonna hit something, no not something, someone... me! She's gonna hit me! I flinch, duck for cover and use my arms as a shield for my head. But instead of feeling the impact of the blow I hear a loud noise then it rings in my ears for a few seconds, at that moment I feel something fall on me it's wet, soft and smells like something I can't quite put my finger on, but it soon fades away. 

          When I finally remove my arms from my head, I notice the old woman standing in front of me, stretching out one of her hands to help me up. I take her hand and come face to face with the gray haired woman "Thank you." I say, the woman chuckles "Oh goodness me, your welcome dear." She smiles. Just then I notice something strange, the noise, the bickering, and arguing has all faded away. I look over the gray haired woman's shoulder and see every one of the people in the crowd starring, at me. Freaked out I look back at the old woman and ask "What are they looking at?" She turns and looks at every single one of them, scanning the crowd. Turning her attention back to me she replies "Well you of course. They have a message for you, as do I. See we have been trying to get ahold of you for a few days now." I look at them and back to her "oh." I say "I'm sorry." the crowd laughs and the woman smiles "It's okay dear. How could u have known." I glance at the ground then remember something the lady said 'They have a message for you, as do I.' "You said you have a message, for me?" I say shifting feet "oh yes! Of course, the message." She reaches into her pocket and grabs for something but seems to be having a rough time finding what she's looking for, she pulls out a pocket watch, a handkerchief, a bible... 

         That's when I notice something peculiar, she's not wearing normal clothes anymore.  When she was standing across the street she was well dressed, wearing a purple floral blouse and black leggings with purple flats. But now shes wearing a faded gray and white cloak type thing. I'm not sure exactly when she changed but I don't get a chance to ask, the woman sighs in relief. "Right. Here you are dear." She hands me a egg white envelope. I turn it over add see a maroon colored wax seal of a bird, the birds wings are spread apart from it's tiny body. It's flying but its destination is unknown.  I rip open the envelope careful not do damage the seal of the bird. Inside is a letter on white paper, on the paper is the neatest cursive hand writing I have ever seen. 

The letter reads:

Dearest Yukina, 

       I have hand selected you and a few others for a specific job. It may be dangerous but your strong willed heart and natural born leadership is why I have chosen you to lead this group of special individuals. I have faith in you as I hope you have faith in me. I will not leave your side during this mission, I promise. But you may not always be able to hear me. Just know my eyes will always be on you and you may speak to me at any time you need guidance. I know you do not know what I'm talking about but all will be explained soon. First I need you to assemble your team, I have left  their names on the peice of paper sealed with this one. Best of luck to you all!

                         - An old friend 

"An old friend?" I say, thinking out loud. I look up, the street is gone and the only person who stands in front of me is the old woman. She's smiling. 

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Have a nice day!

The end


  • woww. that is lit!!

    Sep 22, 2018

  • Eowyn Carpenter

    Eowyn Carpenter

    this amazing please finish

    Sep 29, 2018

  • Please finish it

    Sep 29, 2018

  • Desire Brashear

    Desire Brashear

    Ch.2 will be out soon!

    Oct 03, 2018

  • Oct 06, 2018

  • This is awesome. Can't wait for the next ch. Keep up the great work.

    Jan 22, 2019

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