Adlaremse Ocer : Up Eiram Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
 Legends were wrong about him. Every word that was written and passed down, utter nonsense. He only agreed to back down because he had to, that's what no one understood, but I sure did. I knew everything. Where he went to grab a beer, a bite to eat, his favorite hang out, where he worked,  how he took his coffee, even where he lived.  

 If only people cared about what a woman had to say then maybe his name would've been cleared a long time ago. I mean, he wouldn't hurt a tiny fly, he was the sweetest man I had ever met in my life. He would've been the luckiest man too if he wasn't so gullible.   

 Armani Matron, not a very wealthy man in the beginning of life, but he eventually grew up to be the proud owner of The Ocer manufacturing company. What an amazing business it was, and profits were always doubling each year a new electronic toy came to the shelves. However, this big money making job cost him everything. His work, status, name, and eventually his life. 
 Worst part about it was that I couldn't save him. I was the closest to him after all, surpassing all those other women he freely let into his life. 
 This is his story I am willing to share,  all of what happened, but through my eyes.  And what a wonderful, supportive, and caring husband he would've been if he hadn't passed. A father even.

 I am Eiram Ocer, the only daughter of Hedrik Ocer and the company supervisor. My father knew how much of a hard worker and honest man Armani was and with a little push, my dad finally decided. Before he retired, he gave over the company to Armani.  

 Everyone knew it was going to happen eventually, but some of the workers didn't like the idea of such a push over being boss. My dad even offered me the position, but I declined and recommended Armani. Since he'd been trying so hard for over three years. That was when my father realized Armani's determination exceeded far beyond any other, and five years in was when everything began to just fall apart, but I'm not quite ready to get to that point yet.  

 I'm going back, back to the very beginning. When Armani was just a little boy , the first time we met, and the first time I realized that he needed me. 


  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss

    Great start. I look forward to reading more.

    Jun 21, 2017

  • I'm really enjoying this story so far, as someone who just got into writing ithis story inspires me so much!

    Jun 25, 2017

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