Cursed By My Mother Read Count : 112

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult

Yeah,  I know what the title says.  Yeah,  so does my husband Ted.  Mother cursed me and Ted instead of giving us her blessing before our marriage. We got married anyways. She cursed us like this. 

"I forbid you to marry our taylor.  He is too poor for my beautiful young lady", Mother said. 

"No,  Mother", I protested. 

"Mam-", Ted started. 

"You stay out of this you little dirtball", Mother started.  "I place upon you a curse".

"Mother no!", I start. 

"Mrs. James-", Ted interrupts. 

"Your first born will have a disorder. Any other children will be given over to me so I can terminate them", Mother curses. She slams the door in our faces. I cry into Ted's shoulder and we walk silently back to our apartment. 


Here I am. 9 months and 3 days pregnant.  Today is me and Ted's 5th anniversary of marriage and the anniversary of the curse Mother placed upon us. I will have my baby in a month. My Mother died 2 years ago. I think the curse is still on us. If she wants our other kids that means she'll drag them down to Hell. That's what makes me cry every night. 

Ted and me are setting up the baby's bedroom this week.  Monday, we painted. Tuesday,  we made curtains and hung them up.  Wednesday, we ordered all the baby supplies.  Thursday,  we organised the kitchen and the living room for the baby.  And finally on Friday,  aka today,  we will put together the bedroom. We go to parents lessons after lunch and I have a check up with the doctor once a month. My next check up is tomorrow. 

Me and Ted unboxed the crib and he tried to put it together,  while I worked on the dresser and diaper changer.  Ted filled the toy chest while I put together a nursing station and cleaned the windows to make them fresh and clean. 

All of a sudden I felt a pain in my gut. It felt like a cramp but harder. I ignored it. The next 3 were harder. The 5th was like an electric jolt. I fell to the ground. 

"Maxine, are you okay?", Ted said panicked.

"Let's get packed", I say. He carries me to our bed and sets me on my bed. I point to the suitcase and he packs it with our clothes and phone chargers. That kinda stuff. Then we went to the car and drove to the hospital. 


I gave birth 3 hours later to a beautiful baby girl. I named her Lisa Phoenix. She is so beautiful. You have no idea. 


  • Sep 20, 2018

  • just read this

    Sep 20, 2018

  • Sep 20, 2018

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