The Interview. Read Count : 107

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Mr Alex J Atkins. Is my name. I'm a reporter for Ajax Chronical. And I am here to tell you of an unlikely interview I had just recently. And as interesting as it was I am here to give you an insight to what you thought to be a myth and legend..  to be true.  This is my interview with not just any Vampire.   But a real one.

*knock knock* I tilt my head slightly to the sound of the door knocking as I prepare the desk for my guest tonight.  I quickly prepare the recorder and place it in the middle of the desk. After straighting everything up I begin to walk towards the door... Looking through the peephole I notice a man stood there looking quite smart but pale in colour. Taking a deep breath a open the door and greet him with a slight smile.

 "Nervous Mr Atkins?" His voice deep with a slight twang in his accent (every woman's dream!) Stood only at 5ft 8" he was quite a well built chap, with slick back dark brown hair and brown eyes. Shaking my hand as he entered I greeted him with a warm welcome and pointed to a seat.. "please sit, drink?" As he walked along my office to the chair he nodded politely in approval. 

Preparing him a small whisky I turned my head towards him "so what made you arrange this interview Mr?.." the man looked back at me and replied "Why not?"    For a man who is centuries old he is dressed very modenly with light blue jeans, white tank top and drapped in a leather jacket and black boots.  I would have thought he not known more than his eras style of clothing, guess that proved me wrong.

"I've read many novels, seen many films, myths and legends in regards to people of my kind, some things true, some things not Mr Atkins.  But what bothers me most about such belief and legends is that every story is told by a serviver which in reality is actually told through the eyes of the one that witnessed it first." His voice calm and posture relaxed as I hand him his glass of whisky..  I ask him "tell me, what is your name?" He looks at me taking a sip of his drink and pauses for a second before answering .... .... "Drake.  Drake Maxwell Carter, or Carter for short" I begin to walk calmly to my chair situated behind my desk leaning over it I shuffle some papers into order before taking a seat and finally being able to relax.   Although I've had this interview arranged for over a week, I can't say my nerves have calmed by now, because they haven't. I mean come on. I'm interviewing a real life Vampire!.. 


  • Sep 20, 2018

  • Oct 06, 2018

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