Note 1 Read Count : 97

Category : Articles

Sub Category : relationships
entry 1:it looks like i finally found the "haunted" area 50 its time to shed some light on the place.*2 minutes later*,the door was locked so i broke threw a cracked window ,there seems to be a stairwell downward...and its open..almost as if its waiting for me to go down.*shortly after*I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO i hear voices below me and theres a note that says "go deeper to find your way out"i guess i'll have to...i hope those voices are...survivers,the door is tightly shut! i'm just gonna go now.*30 minutes later* my eyes are heavy,i hear footsteps coming closer but i don't see anything,and i feel like i'm being watched...or followed.aha!i think i found some bear meat,i wonder why thats here.i don't really feel good i feel sick,im trowing up all over the floor and that meat tasted weird almost like human meat.okey whatever is at the end of this place is not known,but what i do know is that i'm not alone in this place,there was some kind of monster chacing me and it looked like it took many people and ate them and they're suffering and calling for help in feet hurt so much from walking so much and i still feel sick like i'm gonna die but i keep fighting and moving on,i don't have any more space on this note so i cant keep writing i'll have to find more paper


  • Aug 26, 2018

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