The Awesome Dolphin Read Count : 75

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

the Awesome Dolphin formerly from Crenshaw Slauson now residing in Boston, in the Past had an Nact or Passion for Flossing, but looking Back at what it Cost Him, the growing Pains of Gains and Losses, Resolved Him, to now Proceed with a Degree of Caution, before he once again found himself Lost-In, the MossPit, of Fame, relying on Others to Lift Him Up, to Cover Up his Pain.

I think it was, the Summer of Rage, when that water park Dried Up, and with it, so did his Fame, Along with Eveythang, he had Tied Up with seeing his Name, in Lights. It Came, almost over Night, a cloud of Despair, only to be Proceeded by something Foul in the Air, turned gleeful Smiles into stone cold  Stares. Rumor has it, it was the Toll of Superiority Airs, that Caused the Loss his Flare, never thought he of All people would have to Prepare, new Material, but his act ran Dryer than some extra Fibermultigrain Cereal, "Mr. Imperial" had forgotten the Essentials and what it meant to be Influential Consequential his rise to Success, now Decline, brought in with the Tide, lots of Regrets, I Guess, Slopes are Slipperist when Wet. so many boundaries, flippers, and Toes, he Overlystepped, by being a huge Blow Hole, and nothing Less, now he's force to Hold, his Breath, as he Owns, this Whole whale of a Mess, he Caused, by flapping his Jaws, forced to Embrace from Grace, the Fall, and the Disgrase of Back in the Trap licking his Paws, unHappily excepting his Faults, Painstakingly taking the Necessary Steps to Prep & Shake It Off. But its one thing Mistakes have Tault, Always, Always, Take'em with a Grain of Salt, cause every Loss, is simply, Operational Costs, And we all have a Cross to Bare, both of which are Educational and Foundational once your Able & Capable to Making those Repairs, ignoring the Gravitational Pull of Despair, so Dont be Fooled by Err's tis is Human, so don't get Consumed in ones own Polluted Juices, nor Gassed by Past Bodily Fluids, Only allow yourself to be Moderately Influenced by Ungodly Nuisances and Choose to Use It, as Fuelling for the Fire, for that Desire, that never Tires, but Burns Within. Learn to Self Forgive, so when things take a turn, you crash and burn, or looks Grim, Remember, from Every Circumstances you either Learn, or you Win.

So as this crooked world Turns and Spins, everyday is a New Day  New Slate, now get up, and Begin. Again and Again. 


  • Aug 25, 2018

  • Aug 25, 2018

  • Feb 06, 2019

  • re-writes much better.

    Feb 06, 2019

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