Beth's Special. Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult

 Beths hazel eyes watched the dreamy snowflakes. Her friends were suppose to pick her up, But they were late. Though strangely Beth wasn't worried, This was her friends, After all. 

No more then a second later, Jets moms black mini van speeded down the street towards her. Jet was and has always been a crummy driver. Sticking her head out, Meg waved at Beth and barked at Daniel to open the backseat door. 

"Ey, Girl" said Daniel, His gothic look didn't match his personality.

"Hi, Danny" replied Beth, It seemed that Daniel didn't want to discuss what happened, At least in front of the other two.

"Turn up the heat" whined Beth to Meg, Who was Elsa with a perm.

"So dramatic" muttered Meg playfully, Leaning forward to turn it up. 

Beth noticed the music playing and the three CDs. Only Jet would have CDs in 2018, Such a hipster.

"Okay, Before we argue for twenty minutes about where to go, Lets go to Yang Ms" said Jet, Referring to his grandmothers curry place.

"Sounds alight" said Daniel, Messing on his phone.

"Perf" stated Meg, Checking her nails. 

"Good" said Beth calmly, She didn't hate curry, She just didn't like it.

"Epic" said Jet with a hint of relief, For once they weren't arguing.

Staring out the window, Then at Daniel. Beth couldn't help feel regretful that she left her phone at home. Her next thought was of that night, Beth still was in shock. Not mad, Just surprise. She never would have guess that Daniel was. She regretted another thing just then, Promising not to tell. Even though Beth was a loud mouth, She also had morals.

Never let anyone disrespect or demean you.

Always be kind and polite.

And always no matter what, Keep a secret.

Beth wanted to tell so so so badly, But she knew it wasn't her place. Despite which angle you look at it, It would and was never her place to tell. Friend or not.

Daniel met Beths eyes, His green bright eyes shined. He gave her a look like. You promised.

She did promise, And it was eating her alive. She hated keeping secrets in the group. No matter how big or small.

She didn't like lying to Meg when her haircut looked bad. Or when Jets brother told her not to tell Jet that they had shared a kiss. She didn't like lying, period. This was different though, Beth knew that much. Daniel continue to give her a look, A different one though. A one that said, I know its bad. Just don't tell, I trust you. Your special, Beth.

Beth was special, After all she was the one who had stumbled across Daniels secret. She was the only one who knew he was gay.


  • Aug 25, 2018

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