Speaker Of The Lie Read Count : 159

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
House Speaker, Paul Ryan, R-WI blatantly lied today on the Greta Van Susteren show while trying to justify his Financial Choice Bill that comes to a vote on Thursday, June 8, 2017.

He said the intent of the bill was to stop the failures/closings of Community Banks (he said there was close to a failure per day) and to increase financial access for small businesses.

Here is what the Bill's purpose really is:

To eliminate key parts of Dodd-Frank that will do away with Consumer Financial Protections like financial advisor fiduciary responsibilities to the consumer (advisor must work for the financial benefit of the consumer and not for their own best interests in terms of commissions/fees); it will end independent funding of The Consumer Financial Protection Agency, thus weakening its effectiveness; it will lift or lighten regulations on Community Banks in terms of their loan to capital reserve ratios and the types of investments they can make with consumers money, exactly what caused the massive banking crisis in 2008.

Oh, and that lie Ryan made that nearly one community bank failed per day? In 2014, 18 banks failed, even less than that in 2015. Maybe Ryan is counting individual branches rather than actual banks or maybe he is just pulling data out of his ass as he typically does.

Ryan is clearly doing the bidding of the National Association of Community Banks to the detriment of the American citizen. Why? THEY ARE PAYING HIM A TON OF MONEY.

Ryan consistently personifies the very worst of the "pay for play" swamp in Washington, DC. He should be wearing the stitched logos on his suit jacket of all the banks and companies he shills for. 

People of Janesville, WI ... WAKE UP CALL!
Vote this bastard out next election. He is killing the American taxpayer.


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