Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Scars are physical imprints made up of everything we are; Scars are made up of everything we have been through.
Some scars are not visible to the eye.
That doesn’t make it is any different than a mangled mark permanently imbedded in your skin, never to move.
Some wear their scars with shame while others wear theirs with pride all strung together like a diamond chain.
Some scars may be self-inflicted while others were given.
Some scars are from accidents while others cut so deep that they will never be forgiven.
Some scars may just be a small scratch on the surface while others lurk deep within the prison locked away in the abyss where only you can see it.
Do you wear your scars like a dunce hat or do you wear your battle scars confidently knowing that is proof that you grew from everything you had faced in the past?
Some may be haunted by their memories past as they gaze upon scar tissue they never thought they were going to have.
Some have physical evidence of that but that doesn’t mean the people you see walking around smiling everyday have it less bad.
Some scars have been healed with change of perspective, revelations or even faith.
Some scars can be hidden so easily and others we have no choice but to reveal their vulnerability, sensitivity and honesty, excluding all that is fake.
Some scars can be healed with the help of family, a friend, a spouse or maybe even all; Some scars can’t be completely healed no matter the wealth, power or all you could ever want.
Everything begins to bottle up inside as you continue to smile and pretend that everything is alright when you just want to scream and yell letting everything out.
You know, completely break and do something profound.
We all have to deal with the past while living in the present and planning for the future.
We need to be more thankful for what we have and not resent one another.
We all are scarred in one way or another.
Keep in mind to always be kind, loving and caring to your family and friends.
Never forget to respect your family even when it may seem that they have turned their backs on you.
Always remember to stay strong, learn from your mistakes and grow from them because the ones who matter most will always find their way back in the end.
We are all scarred and we are all human.
We all have a story to tell and not a single one is stupid.
Food for thought; Before you belittle an a stranger at your local store for doing something you don’t find too tasteful, just think twice before you impulsively project your own internal issues onto someone who may or may not be already going through something more severe than you and could potentially be a positive influence to you.
Before you become blinded by anger and storm off from a fight with a friend, spouse or family member look back and think about how you spoke to them and treated them because it may or may not be the last time you see them.
It’s brutal to think about but correct me if I am wrong, life is too short to be upset.
Life is too short to stay mad and life is too short to stay sad.
We need to stop spreading negativity around scarring some with a razor blade tongue; We need to stop the ones that physically hurt the ones that they say they “love.”
Instead of picking at scabs, opening wounds and scarring ourselves and one another with so much hatred, why don’t we invest and surpass conflict and bring the human being race closer together?
Instead of creating more scars forged only from us attacking each other, why don’t we begin the healing process with having selflessness, compassion, empathy and open minded thinking toward one another?
Let’s prevent scars by instilling certain traits in these younger generations.
We can save the future generations, but with only positive reinforced actions to set an optimistic example for these young minds to grow from, not suffer from.