Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
When I was in college, we were discussing planet Earth in deeper detail. One of the major issues was the spherical representation of our planet. If your old enough now you should know the planet is not round like a ball, but is considered an oblate spheroid. As my professor continued he said this means the shape is more like a giant egg. I don't know what came over me at the time, but I said "I hope to God it doesn't hatch." There was a moment of silence and the professor and class started laughing. He continued on with his lesson explaining in a sense I was right about the idea of it hatching.
Our planet is more like an egg than most people realize. The planet is made up of four layers, the crust which is like the shell, the mantle which is like the egg white, and the inner and outer core which is like an egg yolk. The similarity is starting if you start thinking about it in that way. After class, he pulled me to the side and thanked me for making that remark. After talking about it, he appreciated me being one of his students and wished me a good weekend.