Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Some days it all seems like every time we do something, two or three something new will take it's place. Take me for instance, today is Thursday and this is the normal day I help my handicapped mother go shopping. She's a decent enough person I suppose, but she tends to be self centered most of the time. I don't even think she realizes the difference between her point of view and mine or even realizes there is a major difference. Also I want you to be aware she remains in her power chair most of the day. The fact I help her is an obligation, but not actually a responsibility.
After we go shopping we grab fast food and go home, but she needed to stop to get gas. On the way out of town across the bridge, she. immediately started talking about whether or not I was going to do it for her. Right there, that made me angry which is because she didn't ask. It wasn't long before we pulled into the gas station fairly soon after she made that first remark.
She than replied "Well it would be easier if you went out to pump the gas."
"You mean easier for you." Was my response after she made this remark than I continued. "You didn't ask me and if you've forgotten you haven't pumped your own gas in six months."
She looked there stunned for a moment and realized I was right. She hadn't approached me the right way much less pumped her own gas. I know some people might see this cruel to a person who has difficulty walking, but that is no excuse for such blatant disregard for another person's well-being. There is a right way and a wrong way of asking for things, and you also must weigh in on the circumstances around that particular favor you're requesting. Most people are willing to help, but demanding it from someone is not always the best route to get it. Sometimes we take people's actions for granted once to often and it creates a rift between two people. This is certainly not the right path to take.
I can see your frustrations. it sounds like she takes for granted what you do without realizing she is doing it. the good news is you were probably right to speak up about your frustrations. bottling stuff like that up inside will lead to resentment. you can try and have a civilized conversation about this later but here is the bad news. this is most likely never going to change. despite a possible willingness to change it is unlikeky she will, just like your expectations for decent every day basic respect wont change. my advice, speak up when it bothers you, dont dwell on it, and dont expect it to change.
Aug 23, 2018