Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Today there is no longer children nor free will. The young beings are taught to simply obey and nothing more. Like a machine they are programmed of Do's and Do Not's. They and we may have the bodies, the meat suits, of humans but the minds have been molded into that of a computer. A computer almost completely incapable of thinking for itself. They teach students to only think inside the box. That there is only one way to do things. I personally have seen students do work differently and get the same answer but be punished for not doing it the way they were taught. Is this the world you wish to live in?! A world were people as a whole no longer have names or faces but are identified with numbers?! People are no longer human but machines. As soon as you mess up their way of thinking even for a fraction of a second they spiral down into the pits of their own mind. They crash. Americans specially have been sold the lie that WE ARE FREE. If we are so "free" then answer me this. Why do we have laws and rules? Freedom by definition is not being bound by a set of laws or rules. To do as you please when you please. That in itself is enough to scare these machines known as humans. Why you ask, because if we were truly free chaos would ensue. No order, no bindings, NO DIRECTIONS. Aren't those what machines need, directions? Wipe a computer off it's directions and what is left? A husk, a shell, empty. Is this what we wish for the Young Beings. To no longer have a sense of individuality? For them to only be seen as numbers and test scores, bar graphs and pie charts? For anyone under the age of 14 reading this. When was the last time you stopped and looked around and realized you are the only YOU there is? Tell me Machines, when was the last time you said your own name and looked in the mirror and realized that you, are, a, person? Young Beings, Machines, and everything in the middle, I plea, I beg, I implore you. Do something about this. Do you wish to die as nothing more than a number, a computer? Same for you Young Beings, do not become Machine. YOU, ARE, YOU. Love yourself for being you, flaws and all. This is coming from a Crashed Machine. I have done numerous mistakes. For any and all who read this and are thinking that there is no way for you to help then share this. THAT is the biggest help of all. For all who know and feel that what we live in is not freedom, but blind obedience THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS, A SHOUT OUT, TO YOU. Share this to all and take back our freedom.