Note 3 Read Count : 107

Category : Articles

Sub Category : spirituality
i have not seen another one of those monsters yet but i keep running into blood puddles and i'm still hearing voices down below.i'm being chased again!it's some kind of ghost that has screaming trapped souls and it wants's calling out for me and i can't help but give in...NO! i won't give up yet,not yet,not here.i take that back,there's some kind of dark creature that looks like a man and he's following me,i think this is where my story ends ,i will die alone with no escape from this place,i hope people outside of this place don't go through what i'm going threw right now.i found a phone just lying on the floor and it works!i'm gonna try and call for help out of this place.oh my god the phone melted onto my face i'm trying to pull it of but it'll just rip my skin off and knowone even picked up.jesus! there is some kind of lab seintist type guy or somthing but he moves so slow so he should'nt be a problem.ok so now theres a house inside of an abandon'ed labertory!oh yeah this makes sooo much sence.0001101011101011101111101101010110101010101010101011010011010110101111100000010101010100000110101111


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