Tired Of Always Being Dumped Read Count : 183

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
        What is the point of love or being faithful I mean I have always been doing that all my life for years and years being faithful and the nice girl. You know they always say bad girls always get good men what about us. I have never cheated or even hurt anyone but...they always take me for granted. I do everything I practice all that I have learnt whether I have learnt by experience or by the book of law...but still... 
         Am I wrong to be the nice girl? Am I wrong to be the perfect girlfriend? Yes I know there is nothing like a perfect anything let one a perfect girlfriend. I did everything for him as much as I never admit that I loved him or care about him but why was I with him more than a year? Why did I  do all those things for him if I didn’t love him? 
       Broken promises, fake dreams, painful nights. Oh yeah I the princess I am never shed a tear for a man but deep down we all know am a human being I might always smile and act strong. I am always there for everyone but now who is there for me? Who can I run to and know they  will accept me for who I am. I may have a best friend but isn’t it too much to always pour your problems to one person? She might listen and always be there but when will it stop. When will being faithful and loyal and good bring results. 
    Yes I should be a player. Right? No my dear you are wrong? You say that every time as a matter of fact you sing that same song every year day in day out but everyone knows you are not just like that. 
But what we don’t know is who this queen is....who is she? Oh and who can she changed to? Being herself is not helping her at all . She did made herself the best girl but look at her now on the edge of a break up. In her head she is single but the world knows she is in a perfect relationship I mean being a psychologist she is good in advices the doctor love but look at her now....Busy faking a laugh and deep down she is broken. She makes herself busy with driving to distract herself. She lacks her sleep and her diet is terrible she doesn’t eat and of course due to stress and hormonal change she is not loosing weight as a matter of fact she is adding more weight than shedding it and yes she doesn’t  eat.  
Underneath that happy beautiful soul you see is a small lonely girl praying one day she will be loved and for once fall in love with a man that wont hurt her....but treat her as a queen. 


  • Jun 09, 2017

  • Jun 09, 2017

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