There's A Hint Of Magic Within Words, By Natasha Moran (ReneeRose🌹) Read Count : 106

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Poetry has a way of making me feel empowered. There's a certain kind of magic in being a writer. 

I spill my heart & soul onto this paper with the help of my pen. I've never known any other kind of art that has captivated me quite like this. 

Whether it be a busy day or as slow as can be, I always find myself in my bedroom or on my porch writing. 

It allows me to see the world in a whole new light. It's hard to explain, but getting lost in literature just feels right.

I am forever grateful for all the resources that make it possible for me to be able to create my stories. I honestly believe that if art didn't exist & that goes for all forms of art, life would be a little less desirable & kind of boring.

I hope I can make this into a profession in the years to come & if I don't become a successful author, at least I can say that this journey & experience has been fun. And I most certainly won't give up.

One of my many beautiful sisters told me that she can see me publishing books & winning awards some day. I hold on dearly to her encouragement & I hope that she's right in all that she has to say.

Before I leave this Earth, I'd like to create a legacy that'll carry on without me. I want to accomplish things I didn't know I could accomplish & make not only myself proud, but most importantly, my family.

I want to have a career in what I love doing, rather than just having a job for the sake of making money.

Although I want to become wealthy enough so that my family is well taken cared of, that's not why I write. I write because it gives me that sense of freedom I was talking about that makes me forget about money & all the material things & enables me to focus on nothing but the important & little things in life.

I don't think I'll ever give up writing, even if I do find a new talent. I'll be publishing books until I'm old & gray or until it hurts too much to grip a pencil or pen if my hand gets calloused. If or better yet, when I make it, I'll look back on my first poems ever made along with this one to see how it all started.

There's A Hint Of Magic Within Words, by Natasha Moran (ReneeRose🌹)


  • Sep 09, 2018

  • very nice

    Sep 10, 2018

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