Have You Ever... Read Count : 107

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Relationships

So I start my story with a question what is real love?? Sure as we grow up we experience things like love or lust.. But I'm talking about real love the type of love where you lay down with them on your mind? Wake up with them on your mind? You think about them all day until you have to catch yourself... And Your like what is wrong with me? You can imagine yourself married to this person you make up a whole relationship in your head... Has anyone else ever been there or is it just me??? Well here goes my story... 

I'll start with after high school I started to date first relationship was horrible I was 19 he was In his 20's I should have known better to date someone with kids.. But hey it was my first relationship but let's just say it didn't work out.. You move on right? The next one still slightly older than me... A navy man relationship lasted awhile until he was shipped overseas...

After that nothing too serious finally around 2003 I meet someone relationship was ok not the best but once again you move on thats life right?? Still haven't came across this thing called love....



  • I'm going to start my response to you with a question.... do you believe in love? If you do, hold on to that feeling. Stop trying to find it (love) in every guy you date. Have fun and enjoy the experience of being in a relationship. Do not look for love instead let love find you. Be patient. Have faith. When the time is right, the right person will come along and love will tag along with him. 💜

    Sep 09, 2018

  • awesome thanks for the advice ❤❤❤

    Oct 31, 2018

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